Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Vic O and everyone of us.

I just watched the tasteless interview hosted by toke makinwa.

It's sad, because I know a lot of people not living their dreams, but have the loudest voices in laughing down some one who is brave enough to do that.

That interview was tasteless and very poor because it could have been an avenue to actually get to know Vic-o. Instead it was not so subtle teasing, littered with stupid snide comments, making extreme false compliment sound even more irritating than they already are.

Not like I'd expect an entertainment tv or presenter to know better, seeing as the industry can be likened to primary school, bullying and every one trying to be friends with the cool cats, instead of maybe reaching out to vico properly, artiste tweet stupid snide comments on twitter, so much for the entertainment industry solidarity.

Now not that I think vico is an ace musician or anything, but then again neither are the artists that currently make up the industry, but it is unfair to lead him on. Using him to catch cruise.

Making comments that obviously make no logical sense.

It is wrong, unfair, and God sees all of us.

While I am not a moral authority, I am able to see this and speak about it, does this mean that no one in the damn industry can do the same.

I worry for our generation, our lack of humanity further erodes whatever the spirit of greed didn't steal from us.

If one person can not speak up and stop this Vico madness.

I worry that 20 years from now, what should be important would not see the light of day.

While I admire the resilience of Vico in chasing his dreams, I believe he can do better.

I hope that he actually flourishes in that same industry, and those people who encouraged him,

So as to provide themselves with some from of entertainment would actually be stuck with him,

So that when the joke is no longer funny, they would have planted the vico seed so firmly in the ground that uprooting it would be impossible.

Yoruba people have a saying" it is easier to up root a tree when it is still a shrub"

I really don't expect much from that particular industry, but I'm shocked that there isn't a person

In there to put a end to this circus.

It is disgusting and at the same time greatly troubling.

That being said, I have no Ill will towards the interviewer. And the so called fly time entertainment, I just think it is unfair to make fun- especially of this magnitude - of one person.

I applaud Vico confidence and I pray God takes him far.

I also pray that none of us would ever be laughed at because we are different or do things differently.

Most importantly I pray God restores our moral fibre as a society.

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