Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bubble gum pink nails

Usually im the red talon jezebel-esque wielding nails typa girl.

But in the spirit of xmas i decided to cut it short AND paint it pink.

think nicki minaj pink.

luckily for me, my nails are beautiful so it came out looking nice and shii.

but i didnt realise how nice it actually looked until i was making eba for my mum

and i stopped. they looked gorge.

so i used style to delegate plate washing to my brother so that the nails wont shaa on time. lol

My sister is coming home finally!

Im excited! i missed her, im also worried about the logistics.

what car would be available, sleeping arrangements, wardrobe space.

ive gotten so used to having my own space, i cant believe i have to share a room again.

this is motivation to go and do that masters

of which the school keeps emailing me. unfailingly by feb i should have gotten it out of the way.

my 1st xmas in lagos in over 10 years.

mixed feelings, because i really dont have a clique of friends just people i talk too, i cant make concrete plans for xmas.

the lover has to work through the holiday- even though his mum invited me to thier family breakfast- sidebar, i think that is waaay too much sha.

but since my own mother wont be here- i really should have followed her to the village to be fair to my self- never again.

AND my students have been released for holiday, even though they didnt want to leave, they are sooo cute.

although they banged the 1st test i gave them, they are improving.

today i was looking through a students note AND she wrote my name and the english translation.

i was so tickled about the whole thing.

i was telling debo- my darling friend- who uses me as a make shift girlfriend minus the sex when his real gf is outta town, ab out how this xmas is gonna really suck and if he would be so kind as to find me a private jet so i can go to benin on sunday morning.

that would be nice.

so it turns out a number of people in my fitness groups have body magic, i have been saying i will buy it since, but - to be honest to myself, i really dont need it. except its a gift i would continue slaving at the gym. although shapers would be nice.

turns out this xmas is gonna see me with a lot of free time on my hands.

AND i have 3 store counts to attend too.

sometimes, i think i should be a super model or sthg equally glamorous. i feel like im wasting away here inthis 9-5 rat race.

i read the bobo omotayo book, it seemed okay, except i had read most of the articles on BN. however i agree with his views on lagos life.

lagos life has a box and its impossible for me to fit into it.

i think its because im not class concious enough.

and i know this is a good thing, because my mother told me so.

speaking of my mother when i gave her the eba to eat, she didnt complain, which meant it was ace.

so i pushed my luck for a compliment and said, ahn you didnt say anything about the eba.

oh its perfect she replied.

you'll make whoever you marry very proud.

My mother makes me feel like a princess, like everybody is undeserving of me.

sometimes( in minute nano seconds) i wish she could pick out my husband for me.

then i snap out of that.

speaking of which do we all hae that opposite sex friend who can say shit to you and get away with it?

I have this friend we grew up together, although he dated my sister, we still speak once in a while, but when he calls me conversation is so great its amazing.

yay to old friends that just pick up where we left off. its just so easy with him.

im guessing its because we have known each other forever.

i hate stupid old men that strip me naked with thier eyes in the gym.

and i hate the young men that do it as well.

yup this means i have resumed going to the gym.

i swear i need someone to kick my ass more often.

back to the lover's mother inviting me for Christmas breakfast, im kinda undecided.

My mum thinks i should go,as does everyone else, including the lover,who is going to play that its so rude to turn down my mother's invitation card.

Festus asked me why i stopped tweeting about the lover, he asked if it was maturity.

what i heard was him fishing for gist assuming the lover and i have split.

i mean know its paranoid to think thats what he was on about, but i mean he was out of town for two weeks, out of sight, out of tweet content.

besides i had my students keeping me busy so i tweeted about them.

you know whats weird, compliments from people who dont care about/ probably wont ever see again making you feel good.

especially drivers- dont judge me.
if i accost the for wanting to hit me, they will now say, how i wan take jam fine girl like you.
lol that makes my day.

Dealdey is amazing.

i will gist you people what they did for me. i was touched.

Good customer relations will get you everywhere.

especially for someone like me who is rude.

and one more thing, i wish i had "friends" coming in this Christmas.

all the people have their own friends coming in an have abandoned me.

steph is off to SA with her best friend.

I really enjoy my company, i would write and read and shit, but Xmas is family / loved ones related. sadly, Mummy is travelling AND lover is working.

sister will return and run off to her boyfriend - in Jesus name, because God knows i need the space.

brothers girl he has been chasing forever girlfriend is in town so he would be with her, and all that.

and still dont have a christmas dress, but i am grateful i have a roof over my head and people i love irrespective of where they are.

plus i won a skinny belt AND eneni promised to send me a cat- because im now an old lady.

Good times!

anyways incase i dont blog again till after xmas

Happy Christmas. and a Prosperous New year

I wish all of you,
Love from the one you love
Light from PHCN and
Laughter from jokes which you arent the butt of.

Happy holidays.

1 comment:

Yinkuslolo said...

lol, I was thinking that you sound like an oldie too. Def need that cat Ore

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...