Friday, December 9, 2011

This week and other random happenings.

So the past five days have been amazing.

On monday, i went to work. i also can not remember what i did there, i came home afterwards to lounge with my grandmother.

On tuesday.
I did not go to work. instead i did some random running around AND discovered that GT bank have stopped doing inter bank standing orders- how am i supposed to save now? ehn?
In the evening, The lovers neighbour invited me for his friends surprise party. because the only useful thing i had done all day was go see my students VP, then go to ijora to pick up some things from the motor park, then stop at best in lere to buy sharwama, then drop by at my aunty's house to see her, then go to lagos island to buy the text for my students.

i decided to go, but only after confirming that there would be small chops.

i also realised that because im shy i hate people in intimate gatherings - such as the one i attended.

anyways so i went for the party, saw wey, ate small chops. saw a couple of people.

I was also introduced to the celebrants "girlfriend" - and she retorted " Im his wife not his girlfriend" then i said " actually fiancee, when is the wedding?"

i dont quite grasp when females act as if being with someone is the highest.

anyways back to the party. it was quiet. small gathering of friends and people who came to eat small chops well wishers, such as myself.

Plus there was take away as well.

so i heaped the paper plastic plate and brought some home for my grandma.

On wednesday, i went to work. and went on and spent plenty money. because i was bored out of my mind, and i had nothing to do with my evening, and was nervous as hell about my hearing the next day, i decided to go and eat thai food. so i tweeted about dinner, and my weightloss partner bbm'd me and asked to follow me to din din, i refused but i suggested a movie. i also invited my other friend Asake, (whom i will talk about later) to the movies as well. I also went to ebutemetta after work to see aunty Joy, I urged her to sew my clothes, before she went into labour, she said ok....

so i got home changed, Booskie decided to pick A up which was cool by me. i was buying myself african lit when the showed up.

#sidebar the movie real steel is such an amazing movie. ALSO wolverine, Hugh Jackman is SOFA-KING-HAWT. and that ass. lawwwwd have mercy *fans self*

we sha had fun, it was good company and a goodmovie until the a/c in the cinema caught fire. and we had to run out. but we all came back soon enough.
because i am a self acclaimed "clapper and side commentator" at the cinema i really enjoyed the movie. Dakota Yogo was fucking amazing. that family is just swimming in talent yo. i hope none of them walk down the lindsay lohan route.

i cant wait to buy the dvd and watch it with the lover.

from there went to drop A and we just chilled. and ate rice. and chilled.

On thursday, I went to work and blah blah blah. at 6:30 i called my mum to remind her about my hearing at the club, all the while cursing myself. repeatedly for putting her through that mess.

so i bbm'd her at 6:45 that i was waiting for her- assuming she was coming home to get me first, actually she was already at the club - and there was no parking space.

so i begggggged my baby brother- to drive me over, and in the usual manner of these things, there was insane traffic, followed by an accident on mobolaji johnson. urgh. we sha managed to get there at 6:57.

lets just say there is a God, the hearing went well. and i was advised not to do it again.

i swear i felt like my week couldn't get any better. so i set my alarm for the gym and went to bed, by 4:15 i woke up to pee and saw this message from aunty Joy's husband " Your sis don born"

I screaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmed and called him. he disclosed the sex, " na boy"

how is she? she dey. she will come home tomorrow, me- i will come and see her.

On friday: i went to the gym, then text my boss i wont be coming in to work early, and i didnt bother going again.( tbh i have shut down for the year)

then i went packed goodies for her, stopped over at best ( i swear those guys don wash put for that thing) bought two and went to the hospital.

I swear maternity ward matrons use people to catch the most cruise.

It was so such a beautiful moment. i was like OMG OMG OMG OMG.

Now if anyone has ever been to my house before this year, you would know who aunty Joy is. she practically ran the house and raised us when my mother was away slaving at the hands of 9-5 employment.

and when i saw the baby, so yellow and cute with a full hair of head. i knew God had answered my prayers early.

Fast forward 10 years from now, all the girls that will be flocking to him, i will be using to wash plates in my kitchen. among other things.

Christmas had come early.

I am thankful for small mercies, and big mercies alike.

I also want to apologize to my Friend Asake, who i did not intend to offend, but some how managed to as i promised, i have taken down the post. I'd rather lose readers not as if anyone reads this anyways than a friend.

My grandma leaves tomorrow, i have grown fond of her, but i am glad to see her leave.

Tomorrow i shall resume at aunty Joys house. later make some sweet zobo.

Im also going to see my 1st stage play ever, and im quite excited.

i swear i have so much free time on my hands. Its almost amazing.

ps: am i the only person who avoids people so that i wont mistakenly blurt out shit?

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