Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Was Debo's birthday, and in the usual manner of things, good food, great people and greater conversation.

I have a very special relationship with Debs because it was at his party, i kinda got into an insane make out session by the pool serious with the lover.

and we started kicking it ever since then, but yeah i have a special relationship with him.

Love him to bits.

Today was the office xmas party and NOC gave me a ride home, he also seemed excited that i teach over the weekend, and kinda used to style to try to get invited.

I said i'll see. i should have just said yes, these kids need all the attention.

Maybe i'll invite him to sit in on Saturday.

i hate deadline writing by the way, i feel like it stifles me.

I also like when someone likes me blog, and sends me a private message.

im glad i can make people smile.

in other news 3 days to go.

Im excited. and you should be too

Thank you Oyinkan, for making me take the gig, i am glad i did.

its work, but im glad.
sometimes you need someone to nudge you a little in the right direction.
I think Oyinkan is that my someone.
But she is still fat. :p
lol jk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please how do I sign up to teach? Is this the school in Abacha estate? Ive always had it on my mind but never had the drive. If I get a shove in the right direction, Im sure I wont have an excuse anymore!

Nice blog! You are so full of life!

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