Monday, December 19, 2011

happy lives here.

The lover is back.

and all is well with my world.
I also told him i teach and he keeps teasing me about it.

I also did not realise how much i missed him till i saw him.

he also added a ton of weight. I may just have to put my foot down on his weight loss attempts.

that being said, i had a delish weekend.

Nothing but watch games, eat chinese and watch tv with the lover.

I really really really like december.

December reminds me of when i met the lover, and sneaking out at 12 midnight to return at 5am just to listen to really good music.

I have one of those weird ass Love stories.

weird but good.

Im just lying here and being happy if there is anything like that.

it also helps that im shopping online as well.

December in Lagos is always sooo packed. P on P on P.

urgh hate it. wanted to go to my village but work said no.

actually work didnt say no.

along the line i just didnt go.

Im also worried about having to go do a masters, I went to see my sister in April

and she burst into tears when we were leaving.

and then i started crying as well.

thats how much we must have missed each other. and we arent even friends.

talk less of the people you actually like.

I have no idea how i would cope for a year away from all the people i love, mummy, my brother, my lover.

i get teary eyed thinking about it.

i must device a coping mechanism. MUST.

anyways must stop thinking about it.

My friend is giving me a birthday present tomorrow.

Im sooo excited. i cant wait to see what it is, shoes? pants? clothes? a sheer blouse?

i also need to get my hair did. however since i have told all my office people thaty my hair is yansh length im just going to save my self the drama and wait till we close for the year.

ALSO- its Uwana's birthday on Saturday Im too excited about the whole thing.

You'd think she was my child.

I still cant believe Ope has a kid and is married.

Everything is moving so fast.

and everyone is changing so fast.

and im just lying still in the middle of all of it, being happy.


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