Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am a princess. And I will always act accordingly.
I have always believed that it is how you treat yourself that people treat you.

I also strongly believe that your past relations with people always have a way of haunting you. *sigh*

In other news I am truly thankful.

For everything God has done for me. I do not deserve it, but he has been faithful.

See when I failed my exams. ( Yes I failed a paper, and I can say it out loud without bursting into tears) so when I did I was Mad at everybody.

And I was Livid, Pissed off Depressed. Basically insert any very sad esteem reducing word here. That was how I felt. Like I had worked so hard and not seen results.

The monday after I got my result, I spent an hour maybe 2 sef crying in the bathroom at work.

I already mentioned how depressed I was. For many reasons.

1. I really wanted 2 pass my exams and 2 I really wanted to make my Mum super Proud.

But I didn't. And like pain it passes. Slowly but surely.

Next week I resume school again so look out for rants and the likes.

I gueSs being away from lagos just makes me realise how good I have it.

I mean I don't have to wake up and work and earn say 30k and have to go back to look after my family with that.

Yes I have lived a sheltered life but still there is so much to be thankful for.

Needless to say, I don't blame God anymore. Because let's face it, if its his fault I failed this one, its also him that made me pass all the other 7. No?

Well I'm going home to daddy. I'm tired of fighting.

And Happy birthday Harira. I love you lots. And sorry I didn't call. *sigh*

Offcourse u can tell I'm home sick by this post.

1 comment:

Jennifer A. said...

It's obvious that you're homesick. When we begin to count our blessings, the other things fade away. Nice honest post.

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