Friday, February 10, 2012


I always thought I wanted to make partner.

at my firm, or any firm really.

so the stationery would read, x y Olaolu & co.

But now I'm certain it is not what I want to do.

Being intelligent has led me to coast along the path of least resistance - repeatedly.

That is exactly what accounting is for me- The path of least resistance initially I was going to be an engineer

But it was 5 year in Uni and seemed like too much work so I decided to do accounting instead.

Basically I do not hate my job. I actually like it. it requires minimum thinking.

Which is the problem for me because I need to engage my mind.

I need to rub minds, not stare at excel sheets and surf the internet till I tire.

I need to do more with myself.

The road to partner is paved with numerous get out of Jail cards.

I need to engage my mind.

And yes I realise I am a chartered Accountant.


But this begs the question, what do I really want to do?

For one, the MBA is supposed to open doors for me.

But I worry I will coast through and somehow find the path of least resistance.

all the while these worries are in my head.

The thought of losing weight and becoming a Victoria secret model

has somehow lodged itself firmly in my mind.

Confusion becomes me.

Accountant by Day.

Dreamer  by Night.

Confusion becomes me. Envy consumes me.
for those who have found their calling and natural gifts.

While I sleep on the stacks of cash- I long for mind engagement.

Urgh I'm rambling.

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