Friday, February 3, 2012

Eyebrows and Managers

People usually see me and assume i spend a huge amount on my nails, or hair or whatever.

That is not true. But that is besides the point.

I constantly search out ways to find cheaper things all the time.

However I've  found that Lagos girls people  are never too pleased with me when they ask me about something,

and I say- oh I got it at the market, or so its at so and so and so.

First off they give me that- Urgh you go to the market look.

then never ask me ever again- Which I really do not mind.

Lately its my eyebrows. This girl in my office had been commenting on the shape of my brows repeatedly for maybe  2 weeks or so.

I just smile and say thank you. never saying anything.

However when we were in Abuja for work she came along, and continued to make a fuss about them.

Then I figured I should just tell her the truth about my art work drawings every morning.- Before one day she will see me without them and die of shock.

So one morning over breakfast after she made a fuss, I casually mentioned how Its all pencil and I really have no eye brows or so to speak.

Next thing she asked-

What Shop in the UK did I buy my eye pencil.

I said oh- my friend gave it me

which technically isn't a lie as steph gave it to me, and I'm positive she bought it in FESTAC.

so yesterday at work, she waylaid me and said i have to show her this eye pencil, that its sooo nice and yada yada yada.

So eventually sent her the picture.

Her response- It doesn't look like its from the UK.

me : *ends chat*

And I wish my manager would just over look the fact that I'm a later comer to work.

because I work extra hours- Everyday. and i deliver on time. So what does coming early really have to do with anything.

Today he threatened to pull me out of the job because I came in 50 mins late.

Fuck that shit. the office stays putting me on clients that are at the opposite end of town, every fucking time.

Like its my fault i live close to the office.

And to think I applied because it was so close to home.


I know I said I wont complain this year- But that phone call really rattled me.

Especially since I just realised that this isnt what i want to do anymore.

Make Partner- Yes.

Make Money- Hell yes. and making partner wont even give me that kind of money.

I need to finish my essays and apply to schools.

I need to get away from work.

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