Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today I'm writing on just one leaf because the man beside me asked last week if I was a writer. Today I've got marriage on my mind. Well I can count the people I know that are "happily" married. Notice I said happily. That is the key word. I know people who make statements like "oh my parents don't speak" or " I'm with my husband just for the money" and the likes. How come we have this many unhappy marriages in Nigeria?? I do not know but I have 2 logical reasons why. Maybe it could be that to many women are chasing money? It could be that, these women seek from marriage- financial security.
Or maybe we don't pray enough. It could be that, the married people do not pray enough.
Anyways my aunt that is a lawyer came 2 see. My mummy who wasn't at home so she met urs truly at home. I had an oral interview on how to make starch and owoh soup. I had to recite the steps I'll take to make owoh soup that I have made so many times I have no choice than 2 marry someone that eats it. After I finished (I gorrit by d way). She then decided to tell me how the itsekiri women cook it to hold their husbands and after I took note. She went further to mention that she had a nice uroboh man for me. See honestly I am not against my aunts / uncles finding me husband. What I am against is what she said Right after. She said and I quote " oh so that I will drive the brand new car that the husband will give you while u stay home and cook for him. She and my other aunt found this fucking hilarious. I think its greed. I know these women, their husbands are rich. Filthy rich and none of their husbands have given either of their mother-in-laws brand new cars 2 drive. While these women cook for them. Nor okada nor bicycle nor Spoke. So WTF do they want 2 do with the car my husband will give me? Or am I a cash cow to be sold? Like seriously Is that the reason why everyone wants me 2 get married? Just so they know the person I think I have my eyes own is not going to give anybody a car, or keys to a bicycle or keys to anything. I'm not letting him do that shit *rolls eyes*
I also wonder why everyone goes on and on about how your man must be filthy rich. Both of these my aunties married poor men. WiTH ambition. And now their husbands are rich. Rich enough that my uncles bbm name is "Rich Man" like seriously. In his defense the girls like it.
Whatever the case this marriage talk is just plain freaking over rated
Overrated like the hype of brazilian hair.


Unknown said...

Ask the 21st century lady, she'd tell you tht marriage is about financial security or good sex. It then bothers the mind, where has the real spirit of marriage gone to? will it ever find its way back into the hearts and lives of these young hearts? I doubt!

In the eyes of your aunts... they want something 'good' for you, depending on the way you take it. lol. Have fun and thanks for sharing :)


Afrobooboo said...

Hahahahahahaha......they want to sell u for car..not vn mansion or jet sef...CAR??...kai sEe downgrading na :p

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