Friday, February 5, 2010

X, Y and maybe Z

Today's blog is mostly hypothetical. Well this part is. Meet X: female, cute. Relationship status: almost engaged.
Y: female, vivacious. Relationship status: very Confused.
Z: Male, kind and nice. Relationship status: un appreciated. (I think)
Anyways this is a classica story of boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. However the girl boy meets is Y. Very confused. And cannot be bothered. So they have a whirl wind romance of sorts. Wine and dine. A couple make out sessions. Z meets Y's friends X included. FastForward to 3months later the romance comes to an end. Y experinces some form of clarity and decides Z is not the one for her. X steps in as alarina. Aka intermediary. Saying how sad it is that Y and Z aren't together anymore how much Z really liked Y.. Blah blah blah. We all know how this is gonna end.
Fastforward even further to 1month later. X has an issue.
She thinks she likes Z. No she likes Z a lot.
I know what ur thinking. If you were Y, u'd curse out X and tell Z off. Or just plain keep away from X. But look at her funny. Or whatever.
This experiment is 2 show how strange a woman I am.
I think I'm an actor and not a reactor. I also think I have the weird reactions to such things.

Stepping into Y's shoes, I feel only relief. And gratitude.
Relief that maybe I could be friends with Z after how things ended between us. Now that he has a significant other. Or something of that sort. Because he really is kind. And I won't mind remaining friends with a kind man. There are not to many of them out there.
Gratitude that X has shown her true color and I shall be able 2 treat her accordingly without having any need 2 justify my conscience. 2. Gratitude that it wasn't someone I cared deeply about. Like a lover or my boyfriend. Yes so I am grateful its an ex side dish affair.
Strange?? Well I didn't think so. Till all my friends well my 2 homegirls told me how proud they were of my reactions. And I remembered what Otunba once told me. He said babes, u don't give urself enuf credit. Maybe he was right. Idk and honestly Idc.
What I do care about is that X and Z treat themselves kindly. I'm not interested in drying tears anymore. I dropped that of my JD* for someppl this year.
I want happiness around me all year round.
That being said. I wish them both happines.
That is if I Y offcourse. Odd. And strangely I'm not Y.

This is a really short post. But its something I needed to explain the truth to one of my friends who thinks I bottle up my emotion.

I do not have a wall around me. Actually I do. I also have a door in that wall that I use 2 let people in. And throw people out. I also hold the key to that door.
That is what it is.

I am the Greatest.
iFloat like a butterfly, iSting like a bee

#np fight for love. Cheryl Cole.


Sisem E. Naidem said...

Trust me, you do still write short posts well... I like the concise way you told of the "love triangle". This part I especially like: "I do not have a wall around me. Actually I do. I also have a door in that wall that I use 2 let people in. And throw people out. I also hold the key to that door. That is what it is." That indeed, is what is

Ms.Oreoluwa said...

Thank you. I'm blushing.

juiceegal said...

Hmmmmm i like this...but then again i believe i have changed(i'm calmer now..yes i over time, so i honestly do not know how i would react if i were Y. I liked the ending quote too.

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