Tuesday, February 9, 2010

valentines day. Much Ado about Nothing ....No? well i know :)

Wow so Vals day is here.... Abegi make we drink water drop cup. You see, I have never given out a gift before and my lover is outta town for vals. So this year finds me alone. And if u know me personally u'll know how much I love to splurge on myself. So this vals day I'm going to buy myself a bag, or the almighty brazillian hair or sthg ridiculous. Well that was a lie
I'll never buy myself brazillian hair, simply because I cannot afford it. I also won't buy it because I really don't think there are any 'brazillians' who cut their hair to sell. And even if they did I'm sure they won't want it on my head. Like seriously tho. I confess I can't tell the difference. Infact I believe this brazilian hair madness is a scam bY the Nigerian Market who blive how gullible our Nigerian women are and would buy anything. Please I'm sticking with premium. If by anymeans u have the brazillian hair on don't be offended but how much do u earn???
I mean the other day my friend came 2 ask me to buy Malaysian hair. #QQ do malaysian's have hair???
Anyways getting back 2 this 'special lovers day' u know. We all get the men in our lives to eventually pay in cash and kind for all the back breaking u have had 2 endure. #makesSense.
But what of all the toasting that he endured before the back breaking. Do we write that off or armortise? I dunno, just asking. cuz if I had my way every1 would be at redemption camp that day.
Maybe I'm just upset that
1. I will be in skool.
2. My lover will be outta town.
3. And he will Not get me anything.
Because I do not want anything. Maybe except another bottle of perfume to add to my 8 bottles already. OR another bag to add to like the 20 I already own. Or maybe another BB? I dunno how people still manage to buy ppl like me presents. I don't mean 2 brag but dayyyyUuuuuummmmM I gat my own. Ok that was off but who cares.
I still think every1 shud go 2 redemption camp. 1st. Singles 2 go and pray 4 missing rib. 2nd. Courting couples shud go and pray for guidance. 3rd married couples shud go and pray against the spirit of Ekaette.
And I won't buy myself a bag. Because I can't afford the one I want. Well I can if I do Aristo. Which I can't bring myself to do. ( Aristo is the local slang for gold digging/ sleeping with olderMen for money) I think. But please don't quote me.cuz I know some babes/ women who are like what 30 and still think they r doing aristo. Bitch wake up. U are his mistress. LOL there quote me on that one.
Anyhoos so I'm not gonna buy d bag either. Neither am I buying choclates. Maybe I'll buy myself a revision note. Maybe?? Or a new watch to add. Or Yess maybe I shud go on d prowl for a particular top to match this totally off skirt that mummy Bought for me and I still haven't been able 2 figure it out. Maybe?? No. I have too many clothes already. I think I shud even give some out.
I have really deviated from the point and that was too easy BECAUSE vals day holds that little intrest for me. Ahn ahn.
Ok but I sha have red underwear. And I've been Mentally trying to wrap my mind against missing skool and I can't seem to do it. Dayummmm I'm such an eficko. I shud be studying, but here I am blogging of the top of my head. *sigh* since this blogging Madness took over I have written less in my Journal. And I have a new one. Maybe its cuz I have no Valentine Memories again this year. And strangely I don't seem to mind. I'm getting worried for myself.
I'm done here. Scrap Valentines day. That's all. Its to expensive a habit to Maintain. I mean so u'll buy ur SO christmas, then new year, then Birthday, then Vals, then easter, then God bless u ur anniversary is now in d last quater of the year. U may as well be paying quaterly tithe to him/ her. Don't mind me jare. I'm just grouchy. But really tho. They should scrap Vals. And no I'm not single. So its not about that. I'm guessing its the prudency accounting concept in me speaking. :)

Your Name is Very Important. Let's be very careful the names we give our kids. I heared Goodluck was deputy head boy in his secondary school and the head boy fell ill, guess who became head boy???
That's all I'm saying.
And yes u cab quote me on that one right there!!!

I am the greatest.
iFloat like a butterfly. iSting like a bee.

#np Glitter in the air. Pink.

1 comment:

Afrobooboo said...

lol.... i feel xactly th same way u do bout vals but sm1 pointed out 2 me dat it doesnt av 2 b all bout "couples love" so dis year am getting my closest friend smthing....n weirdly enof, m xcited bout dat. :).....Nono

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