Saturday, January 30, 2010

the king and I

This is an old face book post. I saw and Loved. And thot to share.

This is something ive been meaning to do for a very long time and im really excited that ive found the courage to do it now.

starring the king..and i.

she walks into the inner chambers of the king, she looks around in awe of what she sees, jewels, artifacts of all kind, and most importantly the sword of truth. She quickly catches her self, theres no need to waste time, her night with the king was after all only a night and she had to prove her worth.

The King.

i looked up and OMG!!! the most beautiful thing i had ever seen, Ok, not the most beautiful but close to.

hell it was!!!. in all my travels i had not set eyes upon anything, so pure, untouched. She looks around, its clear she's not used to such affluence, she looks so young. i like that she would appreciate all the wealth. I beckon to her.


i step forth and my toga drops loose for a split second i feel inadequate and then he smiles at me.

he must be pleased, but he has had other women incessantly, this must be nothing new. I try to recall all that i have been told. he is just so Alpha male. My throat goes dry as he gets up to walk towards me.

he is not supposed to get up and walk towards me. I hope i havent done anything wrong. he is still coming. I drop to my knees.

The King.

i suddenly find myself on my feet. she is befitting of a queen. Could she be the one? maybe this is a sign. and look at those legs on her. I'd have made my choice right now, Oh those legs!*smile*

whats the matter?? did she faint?! OH thank god shes dropping to her knees*sigh* i think ive found the one." hello, Get-up, come forth".


i do just that, walk forth. i would never forget those words. hello get up come forth.He reaches for me, i wonder briefly,if this is how he warmly receives all the other women. maybe, maybe not. its about me now. the Grapes, I lift them and give them to him. he smiles. thank God this is turning out all right. Suddenly he starts to speak, to me. I did not get that memo, now im really surprised.

The King.

"one of the greatest superstitions of the human mind is that virginity is a virtue, you know?" she looks blankly "cassandra, you that right?" she smiles and looks shyly at the grapes...

these damn grapes!!! "do you want some?" i ask. she looks away again. now im scared i hope she isnt dumb, she hasn't said anything all night. All night. ok she just walked in, then why do i crave her communication.


i find my voice"yes my lord, so ive been told". he looks visibly relieved . he pulls me onto his bed, and places kisses on my neck,back, my forehead. it seems as though he believes im edible, like a feast to be ravished. he is king after all, so i submit myself for ravishing. it's not exactly one of the easiest things to do. Lie with a man you do not know.

but he is king after all. the King,

The King.

her vulnerability is amazing, overtly attractive. she hasn't returned any of my kisses, perhaps i should step it up a notch!. i pull at her hair and the wreath falls off. she smiles. she had better not be untouched. it would be difficult to work with. her is skin is like liquid gold and her eyes, i could look at her till forever and never tire. with trembling i pull her onto me. She obliges. Only naturally.

I am King after all.


for a fleeting moment, a very fleeting moment, i imagine myself queen and as quickly as that thought came i pushed it out. not all visions are to be believed. Queen! *sigh* *giggle* i'd like the sound of that

" Queen Cassandra". I actually laugh out loud and the king stops."are you ok?" he asks, i nod. once again my voice deserts me. then it dawns on me that i am in awe of the king. his ambience is overwhelming. I hope he is pleased.

The King.

either this girl is trained, or this must be her talent. I look at her as she lies there i know she is awake. Her breathing pattern changed."Cassandra" she turns. I smile, she really is the most beautiful thing, ive been staring at her in her sleep. i begin to tell her about the history of the inner chambers. She looks too intrested. a bit too intrested, then it dawns on me.


Dont tell me he is narrating this story.The one we were told everyday of our lives in training. I can mentally recite this story. suddenly he kisses my shoulder, not like a kiss but a kiss none-the less and one i enjoy."tell me what you think?" he asks. about what i wonder. so i fix him with a blank stare. five seconds." about what my lord?"

The King.

the sex( or a more ancient word im yet to discover). She smiles.then i know it was good. but how good i wonder. Venus dint mince words. Well that landed her back on the streets. she has the most beautiful smile and her hair shines like an onyx. could she really be the one? and the way she looks at me. can she handle it?


i honestly dont know what to say when he asks about the sex(or ancient..blah blah blah.). it was good but what am i going to say? so i fix him with a blanker stare, turn over , fall asleep and dream I'm queen and i shall reign supreme and sharply i wake. all the noise and bustle in the room. the hand-maidens come in to clear up.The King is gone and so are the grapes and every thing i dreamed off. the sheet must be changed and it dawns on me that nobody speaks to me and i realise that i am an intruder and must leave. I also realise the metaphor of the night was extremely humourous. its a night, no more no less, and i slept it through even though i believed i loved the king, it dawned on me that he would have another woman, after woman till he is satisfied.

then my self pride kicked in, i dont intend to wait around for any man king or slave to find me worthy to be his mate. Instead i'll leave and find someone more deserving of my self.

then it hits me, i never had what it takes to be a concubine, to go to bed alone, with the knowledge that my man king or slave is with another woman. call it foolishness, I'd call it self respect.

and so ended my night with the king.


Xabi (in my mind this is my name) said...

Y do i identify with all these types of things i wonder...

Sisem E. Naidem said...

Wow! I love this... Whoever wrote this does it so well! Especially the interchange of the characters' thoughts/actions in succeeding paragraphs. Nice anti-climax at the end too...

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