Monday, January 25, 2010

Bored.... Maybe a blogPost?!

I'm in class but my mind keeps wandering... Faraway to all the random things it should not be running to.
1. My lecturer seems like a business angel. I think I have a bizness idea.
2.My Ankara's and all d styles in my mind plus I just discovered tafetta. I also have new ankara.
3. My Lover. When I'm stressed sex comes to mind. I want my lover and I want him now.
4. My E90 has quit on me. I dunno what it is on about BUT it can like to give its self brain. I Love the messages on that phone. *stupid grin* I stil want my lover.
Saw my home girl Doyin. We spoke at length about Random stezze. She concluded I'm a fighter AND a nympho. I said nothing. 2nd time in three days I'm hearing that. Oh well.
It seems like mummy wants 2 remarry. Dude should get ready to be taxed Well- to death- fucking guy. I hate him already. I know he has done nothing more than splurge but I just don't want him married to mummy. Don't ask me why. I just can't stand him. my lover said I should not think like that, but I can't help my mind. I think I'm evil- stale gist!
IN other news- New bag.. Black guess bag. God bless mummy. Well it was her friend. But God bless her still.
The 2ladies beside me are sleeping both are engaged. Bleh wedding reminders. My non-working E90 is annoying me. Outta my mind. I think of my new friend. I've Made a new friend. Efe Sakutu. She is the sweetest thing ever. Plus I think she is my sister. Odd I never make female friends randomly. I am thankful for her. I can tell her stuff I won't tell anyone- odd?? No?? Whateva.
Work is great, haven't been in sincE thursday.
This skool ishe is draining all of my energy. I wanna take a walk and listen to my ipod. That's what imma do.
*music break*
Back. Good. Walk cleared my head. And decided to write an Ode to my Lover. Blame No 1 by John legend and kanye West. No I haven't been cheating and Yes I am a liar. Sue me.
I really want my lover tho.. Really really. Now I really should stop shakaraing for him so much..
Next week class starts by 12pm. Maybe I should beg my mummy to travel so that I can go on a weekend hiatus.
Nevertheless I feel like I'm floating in this class.I should be more serious. I like the babes I'm sitting beside. I'm sure they are wondering what I'm writing like this. I need a back rub. I want my lover jo. I'm not tired of saying this. I would never get tired
Of saying it. In the back of my mind I'm worried that he would end up like the others. And yes all d others ended up heartbroken. But I'm sure he'll be fine if he does end up there.
YAY karaoke on the 5th. I am also dressless I need to cook up sthg for karaoke. Maybe my jumpsuit altho that is tinY!!! I think I should start sit-ups or crunches or sthg. My tummy Is getting huge and I've stopped Noddles except when I'm at my lovers house. Damn I want my lover jo!!!!!! Lawd I'm sue I've written that like a zillion times. Ok no more lover talk. I want d Noodles I eat at my lovers house. It is a very sext kind. The kind I'm scared to try and cook for fear that I may mess it up. Tho its just noodles does any1 mess up noodles?? Speaking of Noodles I miss Noodles boy. In a good way miss. Not a bad way miss.
Shit last page already.
When people say don't let overConfidence kill you. It surprises me that they can't smell my feaR of the up-coming exans. I'm petrified. Shitless. How I'm managing to come across as over confident hmmmm. I'm wondering when the tears would start coming.
Again Finally I want my lover.

Yaradua is not insane. It is us Nigerians that are insane. Insanity is doing something the same way over and over and expecting a different result. So its us Nigerians that won't Vote and expect that Government would change that iBlame.
That being said.

Iam the greatest.
iFloat like a butterfly. iSting like a bee.


Isabella said...

U want ur lover? why can't U have him ? eyah pele ...

Hmm Guess Bag ...I got one too for my birthday...not really a fan of Guess..

Xabi (in my mind this is my name) said...

Hahahahaa!!! Too random! i love eet! *kisses boo* I wanna meet Efe Sakatu?Sakutu...i need a new female frnd...altho u have been doin an excellent job so far! Have i told u i love u? LoL

Ms.Oreoluwa said...

@MiSs flyHigh.
The bag is really cute. Just caught a flare for bags and its black. Versatile. As for my Lover. *sigh* he's so near Yet so far. M gonna have him tho... Soon and very soon.

Hisssss yes u have told me. I'm grateful we went 2 abuja and met each other. Even more grateful we kept in touch. And I love you a bit more. See u 2day yes??

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