Tuesday, March 13, 2018


I spend a lot of time
More than I ( or anyone who isn't a music producer really) should actually lying in bed and listening to music.
now whether I'm alone or with company with unimportant.

But occasionally I'm in someone's bed and I've hooked up my phone or ipod to their speaker and we are just lying there listening to music.

And it is the most delectible and delicious thing.
I'd just like there pulling the notes out of the air and adlib-ing.

When I become a sugar mummy full time, it will be in this zone that my sugar baby will get anything he wants if he asks.
Saying please.
and giving me a foot rub.

Anyway I'm going away to Portharcourt for my friends wedding and I think I might spend a good portion of my time sitting by the pool working, pretending to be working and real life studying, while I just listen to music and enjoy my life.

Before I come back to Lagos and start stressing about parking space and mad people driving on the road

Now my dresses are ready for the wedding.
My tailor is the best thing since sliced bread. no jokes.
She did a madness with my dress.

Back to Port Harcourt I am dreading going sans plus one. Everyone is going to have someone they are coming with and I am dreading that the bride will do something ridiculous like give me the bouquet. I think I will die. Like literally the ground will have to open up and swallow me die.

People keep thinking because I'm separated I hate weddings.
I love weddings. I actually enjoy them so much. If I was a braver person I would go to china and buy a pyrotechnic machine and come back and cash out massively.

But we all know I'm a coward.

Anyway I am excited to make it a vacation. My first one this year because again I woke up and decided to do a complete 180 career wise and for someone who never second guesses herself; I keep asking myself- is this really what you wanna do.

I was telling my mum that I am so over qualifications. That in the last 8 years I've managed to get a Bachelors, a Masters, and I'm on my second set of charter qualifications.

Look if after all of this I'm not a billionaire then I'm going to find a billionaire and marry the fuck out of him because I do not understand this shit.

But as I was writing this I got an email offer for a job suiting me to the T. Like this thing is so strange just when you don't want to do something again then it starts falling out of the sky. case in point. This job.

I didn't even reply.
The hiring team called me like hey, I sent you an email you did not respond.
And I told her I do not think this aligns with my career plans.

And in my mind, I'm like na me be this?
Turning down jobs?

There is really nothing I'm not worthy of.

I am wearing the cutest black dress today it's a Zara medium I don't think I could fit maybe 3 months ago and now I can zip it up myself.
Although I think it's squeezing my boobs too much sha. but we will see.

I miss T so much

If he was in Lagos I'd be an orobo by now because we'd be eating our way through. Also he is coming to town month end with his girlfriend- FINALLYYY. I'm always so excited when my friends bring their girls to meet me.

My mum thinks I'm tying too much to my exams.
How could I not I think? She looks at me like meh.
I think she is playing too much with the things important to me.

This week has been good, I'm having the strangest set of dreams.
I am happy.
I fit into a dress I like.
I'm off to the library to do some reading.
I'm packing a swimsuit and getting a brazilian. for my vacation to PH.

What color to do my nails?
Thinking of a mini ghana road trip in June?
Eyeing my vacation to italy like are you gonna be possibleeee- Yas.

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