Friday, October 20, 2017

Birthday Wishlist

Everyone has been asking me what I want for my birthday.

well for the first time in a long time I'm having a party at home.

I love hosting- seemed like a good idea.

Without much ado let me tell you people what I really want.

A new car battery and a spare tyre.

I use a 12v 75amp battery and I think a size 15 rim tyre.

I don't want none of that N25k floral arrangement thingy.

But I think I want ballons sha. helium preferably.

A N20k voucher for my nail guy would be very welcome

N100k voucher for my fashion designer girl would be also very welcome.

Okay maybe N50k.

All expense paid vacation to Asia? or Italy in summer?

The actual physical copy of the new boyzIImen "under the streetlight" cd.

And three months of Yoga at my Studio. I think it's 40k.

There we have it.

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