Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Enjoyment as a murder weapon: An advanced study of how Ore spent her Easter weekend

Posit: Can enjoyment kill you?

Data Analysis and Findings
One is broken so badly you know mercury has to be in retrograde.

Also broke over the weekend.

Full and overflowing with love and happiness

Camera Roll
Instagram is going to get these Swipe posts like they are going out of fashion

So what did I get up to?
Actually the question should be what didn't I get up to.

Good Friday saw me at a burial, my aunt lost her mum and trusssssst Yoruba people to do the most and try to kill me with enjoyment. We finished from there and we moved to her house because her husband is from Delta and had to do an appreciation reception thing. ( so if you caught snippets of this on my insta stories that's what it was)

On Saturday morning I woke up unusually early and went to the stadium for a boxing session. I legit almost died. I have to do 10 incline runs and if anyone knows me in real life you'd know I'm not the one, especially on the Saturday after not working out for over 40 days.

Picked up the tickets for Gidifest courtesy AfricaMagic, I genuinely love Instagram give-aways.

Because Mercury is in retrograde, I sent my car to my mechanic to fix my lights and came back with the worst jerking I have experienced and my oil light on. Urm.

Anyway I went to another mechanic who sorted it out so I got a cab back home and slept. Eventually car came back and I got ready to hit the streets.

Got in at say past 9 ish but the love of my life ( Diplo) was headlining the show so I waited in the rain through to 3am when he came on.
 And he was amazingggggggggggg. Walshy fire came as well.

Ps: Walshy if you read this- you need to make sure your tonight mix is straight fire.

This is the part where I actually post photos but abeg.

Just take my word for it. Ain't no party like a Lagos party.

Side bar: Diplo is so fucking hot. I was so so close to actually licking his face in the elevator, but I settled for a video for my insta stories.

But I still tweeted at him offering him breakfast.

Sunday I woke up with the most delicious bout of menstrual cramps- Yes my diet has been shit but e no reach that side.

Sha woke up and faced all my events that sunday which included my friends baby dedication which was really precious,  then went to help my friend Ms beefab at her stall, went to dinner with my friends to celebrate the Man-U win and ended up at some random games night thingy.

Ps: I am so competitive. Gosh. not a bad thing , just saying.

Monday I go to the beach with my friend,s have such an amazing time and I head back home to shower get dressed and attend the after party for Gidifest.

Two things happened- Made a Vanilla Oreo Swirl with Diplo and the second thing does not concern anyone that was not there.


I wake up at 8am and I'm late to work, but what is new?

 Issa No, enjoyment can infact not kill you because why the hell am I still at work?                    

Ore 100- 0 Enjoyment

If you think I'm playing ask Diplo.

Soundcloud playlist for how this weekend really went.

Ps: Major Lazer has some FIRE mixes of Nigerian songs. My lord. Fire. I. Can.Not. Wait.

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