Monday, September 14, 2015

Note to self

I was going to come here and write a post and protect it and morph into a wailing wailer.

As I grudgingly showered at 9 am ( even though work started an hour ago) I was just thinking of  ways to lay in bed and do nothing all day.

Even though I have two client tight deliverable deadlines. I was just like urgh.

But I still come to work. In a bubble.

And was going through my BBM contact updates, not because I care what they are up to but today is really one of those nothing days for me.

Anyway I saw this message on there and boom

You guys- God is talking to me the message said - " there will be days that you will wake up in the worst emotional state ever, Get up, dress up and show up in 5 years that emotional state would not matter.


I woke up but couldn't even find the resolve to go to the gym.

Like I spent my whole Saturday crying. ( at intervals but cumulatively lets say I spent a good 40% of the day crying).

Fast forward to 3am today and 2 hours of more crying.

The day hadn't even started but I was done.

But I mustered courage to drag myself to work, and I'm glad I did.

I may have over done it with the black kajal but my contact client person said I looked good so 5 gold stars for camouflage maybe?

For someone who just does, regardless of how I feel- I am really really not happy that I am not doing and just wallowing in all my feels.

Anyways- I have a strong feeling that there would be lots and lots and lots of days like this to come in the near future and I am putting this as a reminder.

Get up. Go to the Gym. Show up and Just Do the day as usual.

Note to self and all that good stuff.

Ps since all the eastern beauty bloggers and their Hausa aunties swear by turmeric powder, I bought some yesterday AND made a face mask.

How can my sun burns be looking like they are fading already?

But hopefully the good kind.

Looking forward to alternating this with my rahsoul clay mask from Morocco.

Clear skin of Die trying.
That is the motto.
Do not let anyone else tell you other wise.

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