Sunday, October 12, 2014

Little miss busy bee

I have been so damn busy.

And I was praying and fasting that I would be too busy to go to abuja for my new clients- LOL JK.

I leave tomorrow am.

And I am somehow looking forward to it, even though I have not yet packed anything. he he.

Although I have mentally packed my stuff.

I have finally completed this account that I started preparing in august and I am relieved.

Sent in a final final final draft today at 11:30pm on a sunday.

I am not a hard worker; I have no idea what I am.

Anyways. I cut my nails and for the first time in a very long time I have mixed feelings about abuja.

But that is story for another day.

I hate how busy my life gets when I am working then all of a sudden my birthday comes around and I have not had time to settle down and collate a decent birthday wish list. meh.

Anyways I will do my best to churn one out to think that I turn 26 in 2 ish weeks,

You know the funny thing is that is someone asked me where I saw myself at 26 and I look  at my life now; It would most likely be here.

I think now is a decent time to draw up a thirty before 30 wish list. haha. Because with all this work I am doing; I am going to wake up one day and find myself at 30 with half of my desires ( when I eventaully figure out what they are/ might be) unchecked from my wish list.

However I was not too busy to go and see that Oct 1 movie ( I wonder why everyone keeps calling it Oct 1st?)

And I was kind of disappointed. Maybe it was the picture quality at silver bird cinema's in VI which is so damn run down now - I only go there with men I want no one to see me with ( lol jk)- but for real uncle benny Bruce WHAT IS UP???

sha I felt like it was just thereeeee. Like nothing super fancy and it was slow to pick up either ways A for effort; I applaud Nigerians who feel the need and go ahead to satisfy that need to tell our own version of events/ stories.

Makes me wonder when I am ready to be a social commentator would I still grossly compare life here with life in scotland.

I do not know if I have spoken about this but I think I want to go on another holiday.

Stop judging me.

It is my bday and I think a little R and R are in order.

I was thinking Morocco and canary Islands. But what is the point of going away if I do not pop into london to see what is going on there?

Anyway. That is that.

I might just rouse up a few people and go to cotonu for the weekend.

remember two years ago when I went and it was ace?

Also I went there for a friend's birthday so It might be a good idea although I kinda have no idea who to tell/ go with/ urgh.

My friend got married on thursday. Blog post for another damn day. but I must say that I was personally very vested in that relationship I mean; I hooked them up. well more like introduced them but still; I lay claims and thus would start an online dating service for people I know.

I wish  you all a fruitful week. I am just here like urgh- thinking of my pending abuja deadlines.

Love and light and perfect nude nails!

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