Monday, August 22, 2011


everything on my blog is titled random.

Anyhoos after church yday i ran into tow people i hadnt seen it aeons.

Harold and Ada. pleasant surprise.

i like seeing old friends- i suck at making new friends. actually new friends dont really like me.

im a meanie. but my old friends get me.

*group hug to all my old friends*

so i have a wedding soon- and i dunno if i should sew my dress in this city?

or wear sthg else?

or go to lagos and force my darling zubi to sew for me?

decisions, decisions.

last week someone broke into my account and emptied it- thank you Gt bank.


i should stop depicting disgust spitting. that in its self is tres disgusting.

been looking for the secret lives of baba segi's wives- FOREVER!!!!

and apparently its in the Hub at palms- *spits*

since i have no idea what the damn book looks like- im lost.

i promised my sister a play book if she gets a distinction in her masters- off course she should want that- but a little incentive wont hurt.


that movie is deep abeg- by deep i men rolling in the depth of evil-ness. ewo.

movie was scary too abeg.

anyhoos im saying a prayer for my Mum today and always.
i do not think there is someone in this world i love more than her.

Love you Mummy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

The News today.

i saw this online. and it gave me the chills.

my co-worker is due next week- although she was due yesterday 11/8.

but she had a scan and they moved her date to 20/8. which means by then she'd have been 10 months pg.

im worried for her. and for every other Nigerian pregnant woman- is there any hope?

too sad- may her soul rest in peace.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

tumblr questions.

the person i like and why i like them?

The Lover. because. well just because. :)

a famous person i’ve been compared to?

the character Karen from TV series Dirty sexy money. lol. and Carrie bradshaw from SATC.

5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex?

same sex:
the hate.
the belief we cant all be pretty.
the pettiness
the back stabbing.

opposite sex:
hit and run attitudes.
hating attitude because you are not available to nack.
disregard/disrespect of feamles in workplace.

the best thing that has happened to me this week?

Waking up next to the lover 2 days in a row.
early morning work-outs.

weird things i do when i’m alone?

do this silly little dance.

how i’d spend ten thousand bucks?

give my mum- ie assuming it is dollars.
if its Naira- give it to my church- they are raising funds for the annual harvest.

things i like and things i don’t like about the way i look?

i like: my boobs, my eyes,my never ending legs, my shoulders, my lips.

i dont like: the scar on my knee( although it has never stopped me from tiny dresses), my tummy- its hugeee!

my last night out in detail?

unplanned- but fun. ran into Wey. i heart Wey lots!

(i know it said details but kent be bothered)

something that makes me sad when i think about it?

My University result.

something i’ve lied about?

not having a phone when asked by people trying to get my #. i know its 2011. but it still works!

would i rather be stranded on a desert island with someone i love for ten years or someone i hate for a month? explain why.

simple- great uninterupted sex. plus i kinda need a 10 year holiday anyways!

something i’m currently worrying about?

applying for a masters- and God knows how much i wanna go ivy.

one person from tumblr i’d throw off a cliff, one i’d marry and one i’d fuck?

sadly i dont tumblr. :P

something i do without realising?

hold in my tummy aka suck belle. lol

lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood?

he still loves me- beyonce's verse.

a drunken story?

Ran into Tiwa savages manager ( or at least thats who he told me he was) in the elevator at marquee and i blurted out that he had nice lips- that look like he'd give good head- my friends almost passed out.

i say shit when im drunk.

something i regret?

Not getting a better Uni result- 2 years and a becoming a chartered accountant after- i still regret this shit.

post a picture of myself?

no can do.

my longest relationship and who it was with?

My mother- obviously.

The lover- i dunno- im not counting.

press ctrl v and post-

the person i like and why i like them.
a famous person i’ve been compared to.
5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex.
the best thing that has happened to me this week.
weird things i do when i’m alone.
how i’d spend ten thousand bucks.
things i like and things i don’t like about the way i look.
my last night out in detail.
something that makes me sad when i think about it.
something i’ve lied about.
would i rather be stranded on a desert island with someone i love for ten years or someone i hate for a month? explain why.
something i’m currently worrying about.
one person from tumblr i’d throw off a cliff, one i’d marry and one i’d fuck.
something i do without realising.
lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood.
a drunken story.
something i regret.
post a picture of myself.
my longest relationship and who it was with.
press ctrl v and post.
post a bit of my last IM convo.
5 things i want to change.
my view on being tumblr famous.
someone i’d like to be for a day and why.
5 things within touching distance.
story of my first kiss.
Ask away!

post a bit of my last IM convo.

H: where can i buy alata samnia?

me: that ghana soap?

5 things i want to change?

my tummy.
my eating habits.
the way i flare up when the lover teases me.
waking up late- i so wanna be a morning person.
my toasters- i always always get the oddest toasters.

my view on being tumblr famous?

again- i dont tumblr.

someone i’d like to be for a day and why?

Heidi klum- supermodel married to Seal.

5 things within touching distance?

laptop, black berry, nokia Phone, car keys, mug of green tea.

story of my first kiss.

in a car- after being begged for what 4 hours. :)


found this on a tumblr and thought it may be fun- it was.

Bad Ass

I have refused to count calories, although i want a skinner waist line, so instead im eating smaller portions, and i'm not eating after 7. and I have a 30day work out plan.

What I ate yesterday:
- 3 sticks of short bread biscuit
- a 50cl bottle of Ribena- diluted
- yam porridge
-a tiny plate of rice- (i swear)
-2 boiled eggs and 2 slices of bread.
-orange, banana and apples.
and i went to the gym! woop!

my waist is gonna shrink soonest!!! i hope!

i intend to eat or rather drink yoghurt today. and a lot of it. as well as a meal but mostly that.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Comment i saw on marriage.

Some of the loneliest times I ever had in my life were while I was IN a relationship.

this will be the first sentence of my memoir.

Growing up in a single parent family has tainted my view of being a traditional husband/father/white picket fence maintainer…seems like a lot to juggle on top of having a job and other interest…
im also selfish with my time and money…not a great formula for a proper Huxtable family unit.
our generation hasnt had the best role models.
My older brother has been married for 12 years and has two daughters(and a older son from a previous relationship) so I know what commitment looks like…i guess im just emotionally lazy…


sans the last two lines- i can relate. sad

Friday, August 5, 2011

The power of Music.

I've always had this love for music, I believe it has powers. It's all about finding and playing the right song at the right time. Sometimes your shuffle does the magic, other times you are forced to figure it out on your own.
I've known this song (almost) all my life but hearing it that day gave me this inner peace. I felt like the burden I had been carrying was taken from me. I felt sudden relief.
The past year was a crazy one, my sister left, I had endless tests, I had to watch 2 people I love slowly recover from life threatening illnesses, I had to retake an exam that determined the next one year of my life and with all these I was struggling with my emotions and spirituality.
I've always felt a problem shared (with the right person) is a problem half solved so I tried talking to my friends but it seemed like no one could give me a lasting solution, not because they didn't want to but they couldn't figure out what exactly was wrong. I couldn't even figure it out myself. All I knew was the mood swings and tears were endless. Behind d smiles was fear, uncertainty, emptiness. A few times I wanted to pray then I realized I didn't know how. Im sure you are thinking how hard can it be but whenever I tried, my weaknesses were brought before me. I didn't feel worthy to talk to God, I wasn't worthy.
So there I was, sitting in one of my 'I can't remember the exact mood it was this time' and then the song came up. As I sang along I suddenly remembered I had someone all along, someone who knew everything about me, he knew exactly how i felt, he knows me more than I know myself. He knew what I was going through even if I wasn't sure exactly what it was. I had him as a friend, he had been waiting all this time for me to call him. Just when I wanted to call, my weaknesses again were brought before me, then the word came "in my weakness he is made strong". I realized I didn't have to be strong on my own. His strength was available for me. I didn't even have to say much, he could see right into my heart, right behind the tears he knew how much I was hurting, how empty I felt. Then came the assurance. He told me everything will be alright, he had it under control. He that started a good work in my life promised to bring it to a perfect end. Suddenly I felt at peace and since then I got him on my speed dial. What a friend I have in Jesus.

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
And what a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer

Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Sent from my iPad
My friend Eneni wrote this. i'm sure many of us can relate.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New look

you like?
i got bored and decided to switch it up. along with my new weight or rather stomach loss regime!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Club badass

*dusts cobwebs*

I’m a fat slob. Ok thats a lie. Im a skinny bitch who is now an average sized babe.

This saddens me- although people say i have filled out- i like being skinny.

Anyways my waist is no more 28 inches. And its now 30 inches.

It breaks my heart, anyways i have been inspired.

Yes children of God today i was talking to my friend and SHE HAS A BLOG!!!

Now not just any blog- a fitness blog.

And it may interest you too. But i am holding out for now. I don’t want to share my waist inches reduction goodness just yet.

How did i become fat fill out?

I took this dreaded job at a global firm- and i put in 16 hours a day, 8 days a week. Staring at the computer screen and numbers.

Don’t get me wrong- i love numbers, i just don’t think my waist and stomach are benefitting from this job positively.

I mean i try 2 work out- 3 times a week ok Saturday mornings. And even then ive been slacking due to my hotel chilling.

Anyways bottom line of all this- i want to be a sexy bomb shell – neck breaking woman badass chick.

And finally ive found out how.

Lets drink *raises glass of lucozade* to 26 inches of waist. Well my future 26 inches!

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...