Friday, December 10, 2010

men that stay toasting.

i was in Paris for the last three days, and it is such a beautiful city gosh.

anyways so i decided to buy the Lover sthg amazing.

and i ended up with bottles of wine.

hopefully they wont break before i get home. lol

i dont know why i felt the need to put that out there.

i saw my friend Chef Gbubemi Fregene.

thank you, you were an awesome tour guide.

even though i didnt get to go to disneyland. :(

it also hit me how disadvantaged i am not being able to speak any other language apart from english.

seeing as i grew up in Lagos. i speak little isoko tho. My mother speaks it to me when she is furious.

My friend got married and she is having a baby shower.

i confess a little bit of me is envious, at least she has marriage and 1st baby outta the way.

but on the other hand, what of work, a career, life, you know stuff asides the final stop.

ish is scary men! and i applaud her. and i wish her all the best.

moving on, what is it with men that stay toasting tho.

so there is this dude i know, who i will say is my friend. except he wants to be more than my friend.

he always wanted to be more than my friend. and he has been trying to be more than my friend since they day he saw me.

his only Crime. he is my cousins best friends brother.

i know how strange it sounds but i do NOT mix pleasure with family.

anyhoos B doesnt read my blog. and all that. so he invited me to "stop by" at his during the week. and i passed.

i dont think he is happy with me. he will be fine.

right now as i blog someone is served with is talking to be on bb. for some reason, we have remained friends.

i find it impossible to keep in touch. too impossible.

after seeing the arab kids display all that cash in Paris *sigh* i have finally concluded on my new years resolution.

its simple. get an Arab toaster.

yes see i dont like to make too much demands on my self.

im having problems deciding on what course to study for my Masters.

i want to do International Buiness and Mgt. BUT my uncle thinks im too intelligent for that. he wants me to go to Oxford or cambridge and study Msc applied econs.

yes i get im intelligent.but NO. it is not that serious.

anyways he wants me to get another course seeing as i was unable to explain how the one i want to do will better my life.

i am so thankful for family members like him, who dont assume i want to get married next year. lol

i mean we had such a long talk today i felt intelligent.

i need to go to the spa men. i keep pulling my back muscle. for some random reason.

its odd that i like the smell of male fragrnace.

offcourse i miss The Lover. i'd never tell him though. i enjoy hearing him say it.

double standards and tinz.

im getting my wii on tuesday. lets call it a belated birthday present to myself.

the Lover thinks i should get a kinect. i think i dont have enouch space in my palour for that kinda drama and extra wahala.

2010 has been such a fabolous year for me. i am so so thank ful. i know i need to do my half year report. im just waiting to get my Ican result.

Did i mention how amazing The Lovers Mother is?? ( yes i know this is famzzz) but my loser Ex boyfriends mother hated me. :( so for me this is a huuuge improvement. but then again i traded up with the Lover so im not surprised.

again i just deleted something i wanted to say. im too scared of stuff coming to bite me in the ass. this is the internet after all.

i think i should go to bed its 5:37am and im rambling on about Nothing.

ok 2nd new years resolution. to learn how to play the piano. yes i know im old and all that. stuff it. i want to learn *pout*

i Miss Eneni and our gossip sessions on bbm. and our free call sessions when i was studying all night for my exam. i wish her all the best in her tests and exams and all that.

ps: im worried im turning into a recluse. i am not intrested in attending any event in december.

and we all know how events yapa for december in NIgeria. *shrugs*

oh and by the way. the sexy sexy Officer Ricky is in town! i hope Lagos shows him some love.

i really should get off now.

an Uber thankful


pss: Ladies come on. lets leave the red hair for Riri now...

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