Friday, December 31, 2010

new year Resolution.

This year. I intend to keep it simple. Short. And realistic.

Hence I'm splitting my resolutions into 4. For every quarter.

I want to be able 2 pay my tithe. Religiously. God has been too good to me.

I need to apply. For a uni. Soon.
I need to get my self in shape. For what I do not know. I saw a picture of my Yellow sisi. *sigh* I'm opressed.

I need to learn how to play the piano.

Yes not in that particular order.

Oh and Yay. Someone promised me an iPad.

I'm not really crazy about stuff like that because I have an iTouch and a laptop.
And quite frankly gadgets aren't really my thing. And I have 2 pay 10k everymonth to get internet on it??? Like the hell? After paying 4 my BIS.

*breaths in*

But seeing as its a gift. *exhale*

I shall accept.

Oh and I got a wii too.

2010 was a great year I tell you.

So 2011. I can't wait to see what you have in store for me. And all that jazz.

A very Optimistic

Monday, December 20, 2010


i keep reading my older blogposts.

this is something i'd never admit to myself.
but seeing as this is a blogi mean i can write on viewsi do not really agree wit.

anyways back 2what i was saying.

having a Lover, has made me a happier person.

i cant explain it.butthats the truth.

and iyama i have chapped lips and a huge pimple on my face.

i haveno facialproducts with me :'(

i really enjoy reading. i miss reading with the lover.

well more like to him.

im saying a prayer for As.

my resultiscoming out on the 23rd.

im really trying not to think aboutit.

i really need to start registering for ACCA.

and applyingfor masters. and getting geared for a real job.
you know i see people going on and on and icant help but give thanks to how great 2010 was. it was a fabulala yr mayne!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


now Normally due to past relations with certain people, i try my most possible best to refrain from meeting/ making friends on the internet

** read internet as Twitter.

any ways a few people have managed to pull thru this my screening process. like my Iyawo R for instance. but no today isnt about her.

its about someone who i was able to talk to when i had no one.

lets call her yellow sisi.

anyways yellow sis really came through for me during one of my nervous breakdowns.*

* nervous breakdown is the decent version of what really happened.

any ways so today i was supposed to meet up with YS.

i had a little procedure that i had to attend to and YS had opted to show up for Moral suppport. i needed all the moral support.

unfortunately YS didnt show up and we were meant to meet up somewhere else.

thats how i was at shop TS. and YS said she was on the street but was going to PM to get gloves and thats how i was waiting.

waiting ooo

and still waiting.

thats how i said wth lemmie even go and look her her. mind you i have never met YS face to face ( tho ihave a vauge idea what she looks like)
so i was trekking searching for my YS despite very unfavourable weather conditions i persevered.

20 mins later my phone just freezes. i cant hola. she is calling me.

its not ringing on my end.

im calling her and getting voicemail.

weather is getting worse.


i was totally unhappy.

i was actually pissed off
after sending like a million bbm messages to her.

i eventually decided to call and drop a voicemail. telling her im heading home AND. that she should head home too. sad times.

Friday, December 10, 2010

men that stay toasting.

i was in Paris for the last three days, and it is such a beautiful city gosh.

anyways so i decided to buy the Lover sthg amazing.

and i ended up with bottles of wine.

hopefully they wont break before i get home. lol

i dont know why i felt the need to put that out there.

i saw my friend Chef Gbubemi Fregene.

thank you, you were an awesome tour guide.

even though i didnt get to go to disneyland. :(

it also hit me how disadvantaged i am not being able to speak any other language apart from english.

seeing as i grew up in Lagos. i speak little isoko tho. My mother speaks it to me when she is furious.

My friend got married and she is having a baby shower.

i confess a little bit of me is envious, at least she has marriage and 1st baby outta the way.

but on the other hand, what of work, a career, life, you know stuff asides the final stop.

ish is scary men! and i applaud her. and i wish her all the best.

moving on, what is it with men that stay toasting tho.

so there is this dude i know, who i will say is my friend. except he wants to be more than my friend.

he always wanted to be more than my friend. and he has been trying to be more than my friend since they day he saw me.

his only Crime. he is my cousins best friends brother.

i know how strange it sounds but i do NOT mix pleasure with family.

anyhoos B doesnt read my blog. and all that. so he invited me to "stop by" at his during the week. and i passed.

i dont think he is happy with me. he will be fine.

right now as i blog someone is served with is talking to be on bb. for some reason, we have remained friends.

i find it impossible to keep in touch. too impossible.

after seeing the arab kids display all that cash in Paris *sigh* i have finally concluded on my new years resolution.

its simple. get an Arab toaster.

yes see i dont like to make too much demands on my self.

im having problems deciding on what course to study for my Masters.

i want to do International Buiness and Mgt. BUT my uncle thinks im too intelligent for that. he wants me to go to Oxford or cambridge and study Msc applied econs.

yes i get im intelligent.but NO. it is not that serious.

anyways he wants me to get another course seeing as i was unable to explain how the one i want to do will better my life.

i am so thankful for family members like him, who dont assume i want to get married next year. lol

i mean we had such a long talk today i felt intelligent.

i need to go to the spa men. i keep pulling my back muscle. for some random reason.

its odd that i like the smell of male fragrnace.

offcourse i miss The Lover. i'd never tell him though. i enjoy hearing him say it.

double standards and tinz.

im getting my wii on tuesday. lets call it a belated birthday present to myself.

the Lover thinks i should get a kinect. i think i dont have enouch space in my palour for that kinda drama and extra wahala.

2010 has been such a fabolous year for me. i am so so thank ful. i know i need to do my half year report. im just waiting to get my Ican result.

Did i mention how amazing The Lovers Mother is?? ( yes i know this is famzzz) but my loser Ex boyfriends mother hated me. :( so for me this is a huuuge improvement. but then again i traded up with the Lover so im not surprised.

again i just deleted something i wanted to say. im too scared of stuff coming to bite me in the ass. this is the internet after all.

i think i should go to bed its 5:37am and im rambling on about Nothing.

ok 2nd new years resolution. to learn how to play the piano. yes i know im old and all that. stuff it. i want to learn *pout*

i Miss Eneni and our gossip sessions on bbm. and our free call sessions when i was studying all night for my exam. i wish her all the best in her tests and exams and all that.

ps: im worried im turning into a recluse. i am not intrested in attending any event in december.

and we all know how events yapa for december in NIgeria. *shrugs*

oh and by the way. the sexy sexy Officer Ricky is in town! i hope Lagos shows him some love.

i really should get off now.

an Uber thankful


pss: Ladies come on. lets leave the red hair for Riri now...

Monday, December 6, 2010


i am excited.

because i'm going to see my friend who i haven't seen in ages.

im also worried he will condemn my life with the lover.

but everyone has an opinion i have the final say.

im on vacation. it has been beautiful.

im away with my sister, who i don't get along with, and amazingly we have managed not to get into any fights.

i am thankful because my mum keeps saying we are embrassing her.

not like i mind tho.

but Paris was special it was supposed to be mine. and my mum said i had 2 have my sister with me.

im not mad anymore, a tiny part of me is beginning to accept her. for who she is. and how she acts and all that.

offcourse i miss the lover- this goes without saying.

but im thankful for the time apart from him.

we are so close, gosh i may as well be his sister. ok scratch that. that's incest and thats just nasty. but you get my point

** i know how odd it seems that while everyone wants 2 be with their SO forever, im thankful for time apart?? i cant understand it. because i miss him to little little bits and at the same time, im happy we have a little distance.

i passed my first ever job test.

this is such a huge deal for me. because its a job i always wanted. its close to home. and quite frankly it means my days of failing exams are over.

especially as i was torn between Ican and Gmat texts.

im worried about what my Ican result will be. i know im going to pass, but i wonder why im worried.

i need to learn to be anxious for nothing.

i really miss the lover.

i bought a new camera. because my little cousins in NY said i am the most beautiful girl they have ever seen.

i havent taken any picture yet. not one.

children are amazing.

for a long time i didnt want kids, but after spending time with them. oooohhh i want little girlies :)

i have OD'd on this song -----> hey soul sister.

my home girl won the underground comeptition!! yay her. im sooo excited for her.

i get overtly excited when people that can do stuff actually go out and make it happen.

my mum is having a super 50th birthday once i get home.

i just realised that i may have to move out of my house. with the way all the guests are flocking over.

if there is anything my family has taught me, its that i should never marry a man with a large extended family.

that is one mistake i will not make. ever. my family is large and stressful. i love them, but i wonder if i would love someone elses family as much.

i hate dramatic people. i also loathe people who have problems with me and then run off and tell a third party. it irritates me to the core of my very being.

i think im overtly obsessed with myself.
** read self as waist line and ass.

i havent worked out in ages. i think i'll get a trainer back. i have a wedding in feb

and i think i'd love to fit into a size 8 dress.

i really should be able to write stuff i really want to on my blog.

but i worry that 8 years from now when i make partner, they will come to haunt me.

i want to go out. in 2007 to reloaded. and dance on the tables. and give my shoes to the boy watching me dance.

and get very drunk and dutty wine with my friends and just wild out and not have anyone tweet about it the next day.

or take pictures and put them on thier "gossip blogs" and run degratory commentary.

i miss the days when life was easy.

i long for those days when to kiss aboy in he club, you had to be veeery drunk or be verrry hidden.

i read my journal sometimes.

RIP Taiwo Akibayo.

i want that era of night life back, before the fanta babes and gossip bloggers/fashion police.

i wish someone would do something about a phone allowed club.or am i being dramatic? maybe.

ps. i need ideas on what to get my Lovers Mother.
im such a generic gift giver. i send/buy people cakes religiously on thier birthdays.

ask Debo. lol

speaking of which. i miss Debo.
his birthday is around the corner.
his last birthday party *blush* i dont think i'll ever be allowed to forget what happened.

but i wish him all the best this year.

i need to do a half year report. and its looking like an A+ this year end.

2010 was such a good year for me.

i was/am blessed wayy beyond what i deserve.

and i am thankful.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

hey soul sister

i saw glee last night and kurts new school perfomed this song.

and ive been unable to get it out of my mind ever since.

i love it. ive been singing along all day. i sound like a toad. :(

its hey soul sister by train. since i can insert videos and pictures. you will have 2 manage the lyrics. its such a beautiful song.

" and im always going to want to blow your mind"

*sigh* thats my best line.

"Hey, Soul Sister"

Heeey heeeey heeeeey

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided you're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

Heeey heeeey heeeey

Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection, we can't deny
I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

The way you can cut a rug
Watching you is the only drug I need
So gangster, I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be with me

Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...