Saturday, March 13, 2021

Talk about your siblings

 I have two biological siblings, as per same mother same father. An older sister and a younger brother.

so I am sweet in the middle.

I have two step sisters from my dad's second marriage that I do not have a relationship with.

I have an older step brother from my father, who is older than my sister and who we found via hi 5 maybe 15 years ago on a family vacation to atlanta.

From my mothers husband, I have 7 step siblings as in he had 7 children before they got married all older than myself ( I think), actually I do not think too much about them because they only come for parties and stuff. But they are really sweet and have a ton of children so anytime they come to visit its like daddy day care in the house. Super cute except I keep wondering 7 children... when it's not like you are captain von trap.

So my two older siblings. My older brother is really sweet, he is an only child so he makes concerted effort to keep in touch with my sister and I indvidually. When I was 25 and went to miami and ended up at the strip club moving like a billionaire, he was the one who some how knew that miami was gonna slid me into that sort of situation and sent me $150. A Godsend that boy. Also when my sister had a baby, he was the drove down for 2 days with his wife and 2 girls to see them both and stayed for a weekend. Absolutely nothing like my father.

My sister, though she is older than me, I have found myself looking after her a lot. She doesn't like to do what is neccesary for growth, but I feel like 2021 is the year she gets a rude awakening.  As much as I love her, I maintain if she was not my sister, I dont think I'd have been her friend at all. I'd actually avoid her like a plague.

My baby brother, is the real prince who at 30 was still having his dinner brought up in a tray to his room, is really a fun guy. super selfish but very fun- my work around for this is never having to ask him for anything. Also always asks me to tell my mum when he has dropped the ball so she doesn't kill him. I always indulge him because- Why not?

Because of how much co-mothering I have done for both my siblings, having children is really not an exciting Idea for me. It's a lot of work and little gratitude for all that work. I know because I definately do not thank my mother enough, even though I am a grateful kid. I know I can do more.

Whenever I tell my mother I don't want kids, she calls me selfish, I want to remind her that I co-parented with her, and have already raised kids without the benefits of motherhood & all the responsibilities. But I don't because dem born me well.  

1 comment:

mizchif said...

First of all, here for this honesty.

Second of all, you're so brave.
Can not imagine opening my mouth to tell my mother I do not desire children.
And I share your reasons. In my own case i was first so my I was deputy parent from a very young age.
I"ve done it.
I don't have to do it again.

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