Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Best friend


I hate best friend prompts for a myriad of reasons, top of which is I do not have a best friend.

Asides the fact that people bore me and I tend to find myself outgrowing friendships rapidly the concept of bestfriend-ship isnt one on my radar.

However I have a RANGE of close friends who I love to dearly, these are women and men who I'd go to war for at any moment because they will do the same for me at once.

Literally no thinking required.

these are people who have very similar values with me when it comes to money, respectability politics, and generally not taking themselves too seriously.

I absolutely ADORE, how most of them think, how hardworking they are, how much fun I have with them while doing nothing and honestly how great they are TO ME.

Barring the fact that they are YET to throw me a surprise birthday party, my close friends are perfect, I'm not one to want many things but somehow they give and give and give me so much. I feel very blessed to have them in my life.

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