Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving ramble ramble ramble

My exam was good.
waayyy better than I expected.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and start prematurely accepting congratulations.

That being said, it was thanksgiving and I had dinner with my married friend and his girlfriend.

I have never met a woman more delusional in my life. Or rather more willing to risk it all for this love business.

I wish I could have told her- sis, LOL.
But instead I was like I wish you both the best.
I might not be a lot of things, but Imma fast learner. Not gonna loose another friend over their partner choices even if its rubbish.

That being said.
I turned 30 a few weeks ago and I still haven't had a party. Thinking of having one in december but ya girl is on a budget and has a trip coming up so no need to burn through cash.

I'm thankful for my family. Like they actually love me. I'm thankful for that.
I'm thankful for my friends. I watched a snippet of the documentary and I felt so overwhelmed with love and they all said such wonderful things about me. It was so sweet.

I know I will need to do friendship pruning as I enter this new szn, but for some reason I'm stressed out about it. But not really. like I know it will be okay. I've always always always been there for my friends and that came across so strongly during the documentary that I was like okay.

Talked to a friend of mine and she said something that rattled me to my core. I am definately using 2019 to put myself first irrespective of how terrible I feel.
I started and surprise- people found alternatives.
Its so funny how adaptable people are once you get out of the way.

I stopped speaking to Hercules.
and to be honest. I don't think he is taking it very well.
He saw me on the road and flipped me off.
I was actually very surprised. It's really unlike him.
I would have hoped that we could have remained friends but *shrug*
when I say friends, I know you my readers know that the benefit is silent but very present.

That being said I slept with someone else and meh.
Well I had slept with them once but I was drunk drunk and my memory was fuzzy so it made sense to go back and try it again and LOL. I can think of a million better ways to spend my 3 minutes.
but in his defence he is a such a good kisser.

I am thankful for kisses.

I'm thinking of a man free december.
More like a people free december.
Just me myself and I.

I'm implementing that. I liked how off the grid I was while prepping for my exams.
I'm thinking of starting meditation as well. 21 days 10 minutes and prepping for the marathon next year.

I used to run when I was much younger ( think 12) while in QC and then I had my surgery and did not finish physio and sha sha I'm going back to running. Pretty excited about prep and practice.
I hate that I haven't done my body and cant start with the bridge. so sad.

But on the upside I'm signing up to a gym and I'm gonna be training there well just bootcamps really while I run 3 times a week. Looking for stronger legs to commence my pole play with.

I mean actual pole not penis.

I have a date lined up next week that I absolutely want to ditch. Like I wanna not show up and I know the reason why I do not want to go is because my aunty wants me to go so badly.
While I am not averse to being hooked up, I wish the quality of men were much higher.

And I do not say this lightly. a good number of the men people always want to hook people up with - dem no too dey try. and also they are rather ambitious widdit. Like sis this man is not fit to touch the hem of my garment on any level.

But because aunty ( mothers friend) so it is not like I'm rude. I'm going to suck it up and go.
But I've told myself that I'm not making any plans if he is going to be doing all that- so what do you want to do business. Imma be unavailable for a wavering mind.

Actually I really don't want to go because I know this such a waste of my time. Like I'd rather watch paint dry. than go. but obligationssss.

One more group I'm thankful for this year is my glam squad. shout out to the dressmakers. my nail girl. my hair plug. yall got a girl looking cuteee all year round.

I liked this year a lot. It was kinda like an inbetween famine and excess year but so many things to be thankful for.

Looking forward to 2019 wholly.

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