Monday, July 2, 2018


This post has me in stitches.

I failed my exam I spent the last few months slaving for. This time though, I did not spend any time in my office bathroom crying.

Instead I took a day off and drank champagne because that is what I planned to do when I got the result.
My mother came home and was like - ah, see the person I'm feeling sorry for enjoying her life.

If the last few years have taught me anything, is that life goes on. and on and on. ( and also my sugar baby reminded me this in the sweetest sweetest sweetest response to one of mu Tiny letters)

I will retake the exams in November, but this means I have to cancel my vacation to America because I need the leave days.

As you can imagine that is the most stressful thing for me.

Anyway I am seriously thinking about moving countries. A friend of mine is moving to cotonou and I'm like hmnnn. Maybe that won't be a bad idea.

My uncle think's I'm at a cross roads. I had been feeling like it bit him saying it sort of crystallized it for me.

What am I running to? what am I running from?
Where am I trying to be with my life in the next few years.

I told him I was thinking of getting another passport and he said if I wanted one just for ease of travel, the costs of marrying for a new passport is too high for the benefit.
If there is anyone I'd listen to, it's him. he has been unhappily married as long as I can remember.

And he is also one of the few men, who dud not stress me when I split from Eros.

I went to a party on Saturday and I think I'm over this Oyibo boyfriend life I'm looking for.
They can keep the craziness.
Imma pass.

I miss This girl so so so much. It is unreal how much of my social life revolved around her.

Also it is nice when people understand you straight away. I hate spending so much time having to repeat my self because these people don't understand.

That being said. I am thankful.
And even more thankful that I did not have to go away to become thankful.

Thinking of going somewhere for the long holiday. in august, but I wonder where I should go.

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