Sunday, December 27, 2015

More general updates

So I'm blogging from my iPhone because too warm in my bed to get up to my laptop 3 steps away. 
Forgive me.

Turns out the client I had, said they were closing for the year which means I've been out of work for 5 days *dancing*
I've been partying like no tomorrow 

And let me tell you?

That life style is NOT SUSTAINABLE.

Ah least not for me. I'm cranky, Tired and constantly buying food for my husband because too tired to cook.

Also haven't showered in 2 days.

But yah.
Looking for an affordable nail place in Lagos.

I need to get back on that Gel nail tip Abeg.
My nails are already chipping.

Went to a salon in VI, and they said 3k5. To do my nails with my own polish.

I just carried my legs to downtown.
Who did it for 1k( hand and leg)
I should in all fairness do a full year review but since phone and can't see the actual post where I made plans- that may have to come later.

Meanwhile let me tell you. This year has been amazing.

Sometimes, I've been upset but generally , it's been a solid year and I have so much to be thankful for.

Top of the list is my family. I got added to a new family, and they have been so so so accommodating- 
life marriage major Key 🔑🔑🔑
Marry a man whose mothe has all boys 

They don't want you to know this, because they don't want you having nice things - BUT, if you follow me on the path to more success- your mother in law will ply you with the nicest things. #LAIOOOOOOON.

Shout out to Khaled. You should be following him on snap chat.

But really. Speaking of marriages- another couple I introduced to each other got engaged this year.

Time to open my side hook up business or nah? 

All the weave I bought from Ali express  was too amazing. 

2015 was also a huge year of learning for me.
1- if you have curly weave you need to pack it forwar and wear hair net to sleep . 
That way your curls bounce back tomorrow.

2- long nails will cut you in your vagina.

Nobody told me after cutting myself twice ( okay maybe my husband told me) when washing my vagina to reduce the length of my right hand. I mean it's long but isn't cutting so much. Although I think he wanted shorter nails because I've scratched his back to finish.

3- pay your tithe. ( I'm hoping this is self explanatory)  this is something I struggled with, but next year I've told God to arrest me daily. For every month I receive money and not pay tithe.

Since I don't have a fixed church. Anywhere I find myself worshipping. I pay there.

I also want to give more. And borrow money out less.

Which brings us to four 
4- neither a lender nor a borrower be.

Onigbeses are too plenty in Lagos. DONT borrow people money. I've learnt .
Only money I can forget about. Is the only money I'm borrowing out.

5- stop judging people.
Woke up and found that I had morphed into a you can not greet Aunty.

Look yeah - if you enter a place, don't let your mouth be heavy. #Greet. 
Because what does it really profit a woman to be a babe and get scolded for not greeting.

Hint- the answer is Nothing.

6- that marriage is a good thing.
Look ladies, stop being afraid. At the risk of being married for two weeks and giving marital advice. Marry your friend.
Not like best friend ( because 14 years in jail for that) but someone who is your actual friend. A lot of times we have an ideal in our head, but marriage has made me question whose ideal really.

My mother is steady salty I'm not my husbands handbag to events. But we are in the same bed every night, because that is what is important to us. ( I'm also still trying to lobby for a separate room- no show)

So please when you marry- or plan to marry, marry someone who you are his friend and is as much your own friend.
Don't let your case be the one of your best friend having another best friend that isn't you.

7- speak out.
At work, at home, for the youth ( if you get that last part, maybe you are old like me).
Because none of us are mind readers( except maybe Dynamo the magician) you need to speak up. If you don't like something, say it.
More importantly if you DO like something say it too. Odds are you will get more of said thing you like.

9- it is consistency that breeds results.
You are better off working out for 25mins everyday for 30 days than for 1 hour 3 times a month. Orobo no dey reign.

10- and this is a major key.
choose happiness always.
Especially when you know you have to business being happy.

I don't think any year has been this disappointing for me, or had a more different outcome than I expected but look yeah- I'm happy.

Finish. And I feel better about being happy.

In conclusion 2 other things.
Resolution: to not imbibe other people's marriage road map as mine. (This because ah, everyone always has something to say about someone else's marriage) and after a while I may want to just adopt for peace to reign, but I'm writing this here to remind my self in the future that sex four times a week works well for me( even if it makes me late most times) and pizza on football nights are the 🔑 to evening rest. And finally it's okay when my Husband will drink a smoothie as dinner because he doesn't want me stressed.

2: to take my job search more seriously and to seek out this side hustle thing much more seriously. 

I know I only said 2 but-
Another one- to work out consistently, mind my business more, pick up a sport. Be more concious about using my new last name. Find a steady church, drink more water .

I hope you all had a delicious 2015 and I pray that you will prosper in 2016 in line with God's principles even as the economy forecast is predicting gloom.

Where there would be a casting down for everyone - God will lift you up.
Lines will fall in pleasant places for you and yours.
You will get into a new land and dominate .

These are the things are wish for you my readers in 2016!

Have a lovely lovely lovely holiday period; don't drink and drive,wean yourself of Arsenal football club( only heart break is there), do something you really enjoy and be unapologetic about it. 


mizchif said...

Love it.
Sex 4 times a week though?
Maybe I should look into this marriage thing more seriously.

Ms.Oreoluwa said...

You should

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...