Can you tell how excited I am?
today is the event I'm hosting/planning for my manager that is retiring.
So freaking stressful but OMG - So fulfilling, maybe I should be a wedding planner?
Or holiday planner. Also any travel agents here?- get at me please contact details in my bio thingy.
Ps- For real its URGENT.
I worked out this morning, So exciting- NOT.
Trying to undo all the damage this late night pizza eating is doing to my beach body.
Sooooooo, I got a closure. *gasp*
I keep forgetting to tell you people things *urgh*
Anyways I have always haboured the belief that only runs girls do closures.
whatever blame tonto dike.
So that is how me and my closure came to work today and OMG the compliments
I swear I LOVE compliments but today's own was extra.
Y'all really think I look cute in a weave- co worker dearest???
Because I hate weaves.
But this one I'm like meh its okay.
People are like- Oh I didnt recognize you.
and I'm like yasss my transformation to Lagos big girl is complete.( minus the dark knuckles)
I met this boy in my office building stairwell.
LOOK- Igbo boys will be the attempted death of me.
LOL- and we had the most stimulating conversation.
All I could think of was one of my aburo's to merge with him and completely put him in my Life,
He was THAT cute..
Alsoooooooooooooooooo We kind of work in the same industry. ALSOOOOOOO
He remembered me from Primary school ( creepy because he was my baby brother- who happens to be 25's) class mate.
You guys- I am feeling super cute today, The sun is shining ( its a lie its over cast ouutside and my nail polish is chipping and one of my nails broke today at cash and carry while I was wrapping my oga's present) and *sigh* I have so much to tell you people.
I think I find my old amebo ways slowly seeping back into my life.
While I miss knowing gist ( I do not miss the constant hampering that people give me to give then gist- DEJI I am talking to you)
But the peace that comes from minding your business tho- priceless.
Thinking of getting a radio show. Once a week, probably saturday morninggs?
You think people will listen in?
I think it exciting because I sound really unique( like a frog who swallowed another frog and burnt her tongue/ or basically like shakira)
But I think I have a loot to say- I mean see how I ramble on.
Also will you guys tune in? say Yes.
And I will give you details when It comes through.
ps- I really wanna go to Dubai- dear Universe make it happen, I know you have been workingover time for me lately and I am so thankful but please do not stop,
Your baby girl E. :)
ps: birthday present ideas for a male!
pss: Zero proof reading ALL errors are mine. :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
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1 comment:
I almost cried at how you described your sound/voice because apt AF.
If / when Nigerians get into the podcast culture I think that'd be the way to go. I'm not sure you really want the general Nigerian public as your listening audience. And even though I don't think they're popular here you can totally just take a plunge start a podcast anyway.
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