Thursday, February 26, 2015

Will You marry me and other cool stories

If you follow me on instagram, or you know me well enough in real life you will know by now that this post is LONGGGGG over due.


Because I live in the perpetual fear of Bad belle people and general negative energy

and people laughing at me when I got my heart broken in 2013 ( which inadvertently launched my baby girl career)-

but all this is neither here or there.

I got engaged.

Which means I am getting married.

Most likely in June.

Also- if you know me well enough you already know the answer to this question ( most likely because you have asked me or some one close to me)

I am not pregnant.

At least last time I checked I wasn't.

Am I excited?

OMG sometimes I stare at the ( quite snug- ps, did anyone get a ring that was actually her size?) ring on my finger and wonder

is this what I want?

Then I make a list.

But most times I am scared.

what if I make a rubbish wife.

The non- Yoruba man ( Thank you Jesus) I am getting married to has told me not to worry about my bed making skills- Because we are getting domestic HELP!

Yayyy and a driver too.

Another question I get from my really close friends is if I am ready/expentant since it is all so sudden.

and I am like y'all know I  am always down for some good fun.

I am stressed about this I won't lie, constantly having bouts of " cold feet"

But the trick is to do it Afraid.

I am especially side eyeing all my travel situations this year.

I had this whole travel thing all planned out.

Whatever the case, I am still going to vegas in May ( maybe pull off that bridal shower that simi couldn't quite hack)

I get asked alot - if I like my ring.

LOL, It's this really really really cute ring.

I don't think it is really my person, But I am warming up to it.

And I did not think that would happen since I am pretty set in my ways.

Finally OMG the collective excitement and happiness and good will from everyone.

I amazing/overwhelming/ slightly amusing.

Since I do not remember ever being excited for anyone getting engaged.

I am in awe of how magnanimous people are.

My friend said its because they are praying for the same thing to happen to them.

Whatever the case. I am uber thankful.

So Bennie and Lekan, I hope you are both happy that I have blogged about this major event.

Alsooooooo- this goes sans saying- my Mother is super stoked.

Between her, My future mother inlaw and my wedding planner

I am positive I will have no gist for you guys.


mizchif said...


Damn. It's getting quite lonely outchea in these streetz of singility.

Congratulations. And yes some of us would have acted like we didn't know anything if you hadn't put up this post.
All the best with wedding planning and everything else. Also wishing you more warm feet.

Ms.Oreoluwa said...

There would always be baby girl living. Always.

New Year, Newer me?

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