Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Issa Birthday Girlieeeeeee

 NGL, I was just like I will have a quiet birthday this year just thankful I'm in my new country and I don't even know anyone to have a party or a pot to even cook jollof rice for party ( Long story but when we moved here, I hated the pots so much, and the ones we saw that I liked a bit more were like $750 full price and $550 on sale, so I just ordered the set I liked from Dubai, they came to roughly $60; then sent them to Lagos for like $40, and I'm now waiting for them to arrive) as I said Long story.

Anyway, It was such a lovely birthday, I did laundry, watched some TV, PJ got me flowers, cooked me sea food pasta, and we spent the rest of the day in a vineyard just outside the city.

Which I felt was auspicious BECAUSE, I've always wanted to own a vineyard and a wine brand. Anyway my class mates bought me a cakeeee. Ekk

Pj was like how many days have you even been in the country that you have found people to buy you cake?

Me: what can I say- everybody LOVES ME. No but for real, I am really enjoying being here. It is even more individualistic that I could imagine and it makes me feel so so much pity for elder family relatives that moved before social media.


Anyway I ended up having 2 people over because not only is our flat tiny- we have only one pan so we could only cook enough for 4 people. LOL

It was great because then we took out time to study lyrics for the burna boy concert. Which I'd attending today after a mid term that I have. Honestly what I find so amusing about this country is how funny they are, tell me why my midterm was supposed to be last week but then they pushed it because- it was halloween.. I was like???


 anyway mid terms in a few then Burna right after. Hopefully he gives us a GREAT show if not. Ela ojukan. 

Also, It is SO  quiet here.

I am thinking of beginning to foster dogs even though I have not adopted one yet.

Also I miss my dog soooo much. Urgh

Thats my baby FR. I'm thinking of moving him to be with me, But his new mother has REFUSED to release him :(

I remember looking through what my 5 year plan was at 30 and what my life looks like now, and honestly could never have dreamed up this life for myself. And for that we say- Thank you Lord.

Happy Birthday to Me. Here is to hoping the next 365 days all have fantastic blessings in them!

Knowing the God I serve they probably do.

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