Friday, November 24, 2023

More life updates and most recent rediscoveries- Thanksgiving

 First Update, I can not believe I moved to Canada. Because NGL, this country as a whole is dry. As someone who has lived in Lagos her whole adult life, I am struggling to sort of find my rhythm and blues here, but mostly a rhythm. 

In Lagos it was very Lifestyle-then work- then anything else but since I am yet to build a new community here, its giving " I'm indoor type", which I am not at alllll. But on the upside I really really really like it, if that makes any sense, kinda like love hate? I'm struggling to explain it but I think anyone who has moved countries in their 30's would understand. 

Second update- I'm going to need the personal blogs to come back, I get that all of you are now influencing on IG, with your chat GPT captions and hashtags without the pound sign trying to manipulate the algorithm but come back to writing about your lives. I miss that. Spent the last few weeks trawling through blogspot which brings me to update number 3

3 absolutely random but stumbled across BankyW's Blog and it has cracked me up SO SO SO much. he should go back to writing if this whole politics thing is a long thing. also absolutely re-discovered how much I still like Strong ting. That song was the background song to one of my most wholesome romance stories, ended one kind but was still such a great run while it lasted.

Fourth and final update, Since I moved here I have been introspecting without writing so all the thoughts are swirling around in my head, but one keeps floating to the top, and that is how much I have changed as a person. a few weeks before I left Lagos my friends and I were having dinner and a couple on the next table were struggling to get selfie photos of the sunset and themselves in it, so I asked them if they needed help with the pictures, and then when I came back, both of my friends were like " Omo you have changed o". And it is true, I have changed so much, my other friends have taken to calling me a positivity spin merchant because of how often I congratulate people. 

But minus the good vibes, I think the biggest change for me, is the level of restraint I have managed to grow, I literally went from team nobody should test me, to abeg abeg na I no gree dey tear shirt. Like very few things faze me anymore. Also- surprise- I have now learnt to mind my business, which is strange because the way Eke used to be my hobby, now I'm just like live and let live.

I think covid had such a huge impact on this shift because I can't point to anything else.

Okay I know I said 4 but here is the last one, I have a PACKED December socially, I have 3 exams, one film festival, one christmas carol, one christmas lunch AND I haven't actively bought tickets as per entertainment budget for the December.

One more last one, the people in this city are so dead fashion-wise, I wore a sparkly turban, everybody in my class is like- oMG so fashionable. I'm like guys... You people only know lululemon leggings of course a turban is fashionable to you.

I'm thinking of starting to work out, all the walking in doing in making me lose weight a bit too rapidly.

Watching my birthday flowers die and I'm realizing I really not a flowers girl. I have never been.

Is it just me or are all the new books- NOT GIVING? I'm yet to read a book that has me in a chokehold. publishers PLEASE NOW. shake body for me.

I need a facial, a mani pedi and a thorough wax session, and you know what would handle all these perfectly at once?  A TRIP TO LAGOS FOR CHRISTMAS.

In conclusion, I'm not as home sick as I thought I'd be, I'm more shell-shocked at how individualistic the country is. I had a better time friend wise in Dundee. Here it's just everybody and their dog, and I just want to be like, guys I have a dog too, there is no reason for your dog to be inside the grocery store man. 

That's just unsanitary. 

I don't think I'd ever get used to seeing a dog being pushed in a pram inside a store whenever I'm shopping.

But the one time I'm happiest to see dogs with people here, is whenever I come across a homeless person with a dog, I always try to give them something small, I dunno the sight of them with a dog, makes me feel like they are less alone in this super isolating city. and it gives me too large a measure of comfort. Suffice all this to say, I really miss my dog, and the likelihood of someone calling pet protective services for us , if we eventually bring him over is high because na dog we get, these ones -its pet they have.

One last thing on a whim, we went to see Burna Boy and BOYYYY DID HE GIVE US A SHOWWWWWWWW. Personally I didn't listen to the past two albums so I obviously spent the weekend crash learning the lyrics before we will send me out for not singing- BUT he produced such a wonderful show, as i said in my recap- burnaboy may be very many bad things as a person BUT he is  DAMN GOOD PERFORMER.

I hate to say it, I hope I don't sound ridiculous but I preferred Burna's show to Beyonce.

Okay enough rambling, just remember the 11th hour parable as the year comes to an end. there is still a lot of time for God to answer your prayers.

Happy thanksgiving everyone

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