Thursday, October 26, 2023

Life Update



If you are wondering why I have Kamala saying we did it Joe up there, its because I relocated to Canada.

And when I tell you it was QUICK. God said, okay girlie time to get out of Lagos, and he made it happen so fast that I got whiplash with how quick the move was. For us.

That aside, If you follow me on this blog, by now you'd know that I did a masters 10 years ago ( OMG it is 10 years- eek), and so I'm not really a stranger to moving.. BUT this move has been so emotionally jarring for me.

So much to learn about a new country, and I had to leave my dog behind, well not leave him behind, rehome him and I just did not realize how much I will miss him. And my friend who has him- has FULLY colonized him. Its crazy Fr. But I am soo happy he is so happy and loved.

RE: settling in, no amount of reading can prepare you for settling in, and I think that is the wildest part about moving, like yes you need to do XYZ, but the order in which you do things here, is so important its crazy, but information will get you far.

My friends here have been SOOOOO helpful, the level of handholding has been out of this world- Lekan thank youuuuuuuu.  Lekan absolutely created the softest landing for me and kept telling me not to worry that I will spend my money, readers, he was right, Canada is EXPENSIVE.

And I say this as someone who had started grocery shopping in the UK and flying it down to Lagos- Don't judge me, my inlaw used to go back and forth every few weeks and she was happy to bring in my tesco food shop. So me who was earning Naira in Lagos, was spending GBP for groceries and I still cant believe my eyes with some of these prices.

Garbage bag for $15? Canada please now.

But asides all this, the move has been great. I feel like I should have come a long time ago, but I also feel like I should be thankful I'm here with my husband.

We honestly toyed with the idea of moving separately initially, but THANK GOD wisdom prevailed because I'd never have been able to hack this.  Shouts to everyone who moved countries alone. you people are the real MVP's. and I say this as someone who is super self sufficient and  emotionally resilient and hardly ever has to rely on anyone including my husband.

Omo, since we moved we are entering the phase of "lean on me no be press me die", I hope he likes it because I am enjoying finally having someone to rely on 100% very exciting.

He has supported me so so much and honestly I think our marriage is all the better for it because It has really given him the opportunity for him to be there for me in a way that would never have been possible in Nigeria. 

And the sex- Fiyahhhhhh. Being less busy would do that to you.

Over all I've been here a few weeks and I can say the move has been an overwhelming success. I admit that perhaps I moved a lil delusional thinking we'd find an apartment in 2 weeks, but we did it in a month and everyone is like - you guys are so lucky- and I'm like ehnnnnn. 

But while I hate the lack of a community here I love how honey-moon like it feels for my marriage coming up on two years in a few days. 

Time really flies, It feels like It was just yesterday we were running up and down for wedding and now two years, two dogs and a new country. All I can say is truly thank you God.

The one thing I didn't think I'd miss but I miss so damn much is planning my friends wedding, My friend is getting married and just not being able to be there with her is CRAZY. like whatsapp is great but it is just NOT THE SAME. :(

I miss my mum a lot too, we speak like twice a week and its just her sending me on international errands non-stop. LOL

My brother had another baby, missed his birth by a few days. I miss my children so so so much, Rich aunty for life yo, taking them out all the time and hanging with them was really the best thing.

I miss my nail tech and hair abroad is really expensive ( yes I've always known but what the hell are these rubbish braids for these prices?) I honestly should have taken a masterclass in crocheting my hair or at least pretending to learn to crochet my hair because- hmnnn.

One thing about living here is that my head is a lot clearer, it is so so clear, I used to feel like it was fogged up with random details but now its so so clear, I find it strange.

Like I haven't blogged since May and here I am churning out a post like its nothing.

Don't call it a come back.

I feel like my life is one giant testimony. I was telling someone that I am currently SOOOO happy, and I'm generally a happy person but here now in this moment, It really feels like God said, you have been strong for long enough, now you will be happy. 

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