Friday, April 1, 2022

Thanksgiving and Life lately

 The randomest thing happened to my household last night.

The former help in our house came with a team of armed robbers to attack the house.

Fortunately he was apprehended and is going to jail for life with an attempted murder charge.

My mother is obviously so shaken up, and more than that deeply disappointed and also seriously considering what she did wrong, and I keep telling her nothing but she does not believe.

Its rough. But we had a thanksgiving, and we have gone to court, so its over and done with.

And frankly crazy.

Lately I've been feeling the need to learn how to sew.

I love clothes and I'm ready to get serious with it to be honest.

So maybe a weekend class?

Who knows? but I am ready sha.

Whenever lent comes, I get so introspective, It is probably the best time for me to plan the whole year.

or at least my travel for the whole year...

Be that as it may..... we have a short list:

Jamaica- Yes again, I know but I love it so sorry

New York- Because Jamaica commute

Dubai- Because why not

India- Because I have a conference AND hello Taj Mahal

Rwanda- Because I have a wedding I can not afford to miss

Honestly I am very happy with that list, also might make a quick trip to porto novo to do the luxury lodge here so I'm hoping and praying that it comes through, maybe a girls trip or maybe a wellness trip? the lodge sleeps 6 and honestly it'll be nice to get away. but we'll see.

Asides these I can not believe it is April ALREADY!

This year is FLYING.

and I'm ready to start flying too. I'm feeling overwhelmed with gratitude & happiness. :)

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