Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter weekend

If you know me in real life, then you would know that one of my oldest friends got married over the weekend.

It was such a delightful time.
PHC wasn't ready.

Ended up in tears as I got into lagos and just got so overwhlemed by the madness that is lagos.

While Portharcourt is exactly london- It was such a well deserved vacation for me
So I go to get my car from my uncle
and he texts me on monday when I do not go and see him because I have no emotional bandwidth to deal with him "Thanks. Reassuring you don't know everything after all. Was beginning to think you were omniscient!"

I have a break down because I'm overwhlemed, I miss class on Sunday and THAT is what one of the closest men to me thought to text me.

For context, my uncle is maybe 57 or so so he has at least 25 years on me. AND SEE THE TYPE OF TEXT HE SENT ME.

Because I am a sarcastic princess I reply " I’m glad you find pleasure in my down time. 😘😘😘"

and he doesn't get it instead he replies me " It's good to know you are normal and human after all"

I don't reply and I'm going to block him and never speak to him again.

I'm used to envy from people who are not close to me, or who are not privy to all the work I put in. Or even people who are friends with those who are beneficiaries to my good will.

But never from someone who I have so much respect for.
Men rarely disappoint me.
But I think I am honestly heart broken. Is there no safe space for me?
Answer is no.

Anyway so that happened.
I went to school.

I also find my friends who know I am preparing for exams immensely disrespectful that they keep complaining about my unavailability like I came to this world to wait on you hand and foot.

Like I have people messaging me how they can't wait for these exams to pass.
After the exams pass, I'm not going to even mingle with you.

I know I know.
I'm just generally upset.

But asides those two things.
Three more things

-T is back.
- T brought me fenty goodies
- Yorubae's sister bought me a strapless bra. ballerina flats and tassle earings all for 15 GBP.

my heart is full abeg.
still not buying anything, and i still have so many things.

It's the strangest thing.

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