Thursday, November 5, 2009

DAY 2.

The internet here is terrible. to saythe least.anywayscamp has been ok so into a squabble with one of my hostel solders... she was shocked. well a lot of people were, but then thats whatuget for taking the piss with a corper.:)he he!
im worried i need 2 get outta here i havent studied proper in 3 whole days. and because the stupid solder reportd me 2 mycamp director.. I have to scale:) and i thank CU for these extra-ordinary skills.
had the swearing in thing today. went well, stod in the sun for 3 hours, doing nothing.on the upsidemy platoon worked today so i did nothng.
drinks with woma went well last night, i think i got quite tipsy and lost my tounge on my solder woman. but whatever.
today i made a new friend.. well we shall call him brain. as in pinky n the brain. he is all kindsa smart i LOVE!!!
now i wanna go sleep but i know i shouldnt. by the way my kakhi's wernt pencil'ed properly so i couldnt Rock my bee look in 'if i were a boy' but i think i tried sha... however istill mintain, NYSC is a bastard and should be abolished. on the upside ithas convinced me that i need a BB, yes so im eventually gonna get one...MYself..
oh and yeah i miss Ricky to bits.. hope he's setled in,i shud call him,im doing shakara.
and accordingt to Diddy my shakara i splenty. however i have missed twitter and now cant waitfor these exams to finish. so that life starts..
camp is getting boring jo.

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