Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Happy Canniversary to all who celebrate- AKA ME

 Today makes it a year that I packed my bags, gave out half of my clothes, rehomed my dog and moved to Canada to continue living my life.

Because I am Nigerian, I ordered a pack of small chops to all my nephews, & neices & siblings in Lagos. Because the business is Nigerian, even though I told them to deliver it at 9:30am- it only came at like 2pm and yeah.

Two things, I am so so thankful to God for this journey. everyone says the first year is the hardest and when I tell you that I have cried only TWO times in the last year. 

I can not believe how much God has done for me on this journey. There have been so many things that have happened on this journey that the more I think about it, the more I know that it could only have been God.

Truly the journey is in God's hands, and when people tell me I'm so lucky, I always tell them. It is God o.

Let today be the marker that I have come to return all glory to the name of God for his faithfulness and kindness and grace on the journey.

God has given me the gift of men on this journey, helpers have arisen, and help has shown up from all the unlikeliest places to prove that God is not a man that he should lie, that he has done and said everything that he said he will do.

Exceedingly, abundantly above all the things I could imagine for this journey- He has done.

And I can not thank him enough.

Please say a prayer for me today that God that has brought me will continue to keep me in his arms.

Canada has given me so so much in this one year and I remain so grateful because where others have said they were cast down, I was lifted up Highhhh!

Happy one year in Canada to me.


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