Thursday, July 28, 2022

Influence of Geography

 Stream of consciousness/ random rambling spurred by an insignificant happening that is now making me curious as to how much of your actions are influenced by what is acceptable in the area in which you find yourself living?

I have a non Nigerian friend who moved to Nigeria and I met randomly on a night out and we hit it off, anyway fast forward to drinks and her swearing vehemently about how she could never and scoffing at all the Lagos girls frockling with married men- because where she was from such things are frowned upon.

Fast-forward to 3 months later, she is telling about how she wants to go on vacation with a married man she has been seeing on , but her friends from her home country are telling her its wrong and Nigeria has changed her.

Her defence? They are not here, they do not see everyone doing it. When she asked me, I told her, in Nigeria, it is not a big deal, but you are not Nigerian so you might struggle so reconcile your actions with what you have been taught is the right way to be/ do things.

Anyway what is it about Nigeria that makes people lean into grey area's more than they would have if they lived anywhere else in the world? And it is not just the women with married men, its the Married men who come back here from the West and act so out of turn, I find it mildly amusing, but I am also slightly concerned because I know what erosion of a person's moral fibre can do to a person.

My friend thanked me for not judging her, and I was like- girl get in line. However, on the vacay she did not act like Nigerian girls and do one or two cryptic posts and call it a day, instead she has content for days and reels speaking about #softlife and blessings, and now I'm like girl rest.

Is there a way things are done in a place that make you adopt their practices whether or not they are at odds with your personal values? 

and why is Nigeria so prone to making people swing so far out and not recognize themselves? 

Also, is this something that people coming to Nigeria should be aware/wary of?

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