Tuesday, July 5, 2022



ALL THE GRAYMAN BOOKS. Honestly I have not been so sucked into a series like this since maybe The Coroman strike series. I absolutely LOVED That. But this, I adore it so much.

Last week someone asked me how I could manage to read so much, and I was like- what? I enjoy it so much I even run an online book club where I pick a book every month and we discuss it. Its such a great way to get people to read.


TO THIS SONG NON STOP. Its absolutely crazy how much I love it. 

Cobams is a musical genuis. I actually really like him. I remember an interview of his I listened to, where he said, sometimes sight can be distracting. That his wife may go into a store at the airport to get ONE thing and come out with stuff she didn't plan for and that really struck me as profound. If there is anyone in the music industry I'd love to see uber sucessful. It's him.

Send down fire, bless my ota
Give them long life to see me prosper
Make dem see say me I no dey suffer again


Actually just finished watching the Strike series, Its an adapation of the Coromon strike series written by JK rowling using a pseudonym. It was done by BBC one and I watched it using the Amazon Fire stick. It was so so good. British TV seems more intentional and less showy than American TV. cant explain it. Anyway if you ware looking for something great to watch, it is a mini series, so ranges from 3-4 episodes per season like sherlock and its great. Also use subtitles because the accent get as e be.


About how all my life in Lagos, I've been experiencing fuel queues. Also about how because all of my friends have relocated I either have to make new friends ( Yuck), fly to see them often ( wahala) or move myself ( sigh). God has to punish Buhari for me, its awful, my friends kid turned 1 and I haven't even set eyes on her. How can this be life?
I think about it so much and I hate that I think about it so much.


If my stoic approach to most of my relationships makes it difficult for people to accept that I am mostly unrufflable. I also wonder if being the go to person in my family taught me very early that people mostly do not change and relying on myself is a good way to go. ALSO wondering if this has dulled my need to tussle.
I wonder- actually I know that most of them HATE that I let things go very easily- offences AND relationships. So I wonder if its almost like they are always walking on thin ice with me. Like yes she will forgive me, but is this the one that will make her drop me?
Who knows these things


A new life in a new country with my family.
Reconciliation with my cousins, I can't think of a heart break worse than my cousins not speaking to me. And to think the crux of the issue was a fight our parents had. LOL ( but its not really funny)


Mostly about the CBA attitude I am serving at work. Honestly lately I can not be arsed about anything work related.
I need time off


A bridal shower. And wondering what the fuck is this even about? how does this even make any sense.
But planning it anyway because- THAT IS WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR.

My next Holiday- because what else to do except look forward to a big trip


over the phrase "That is what friends are for" and wondering if it is giving doormat.
over if getting NDLEA clearance makes any sense. 
over why more Nigerians do not document visa struggles as much as the experience. 


My latest manicure. 

It is absolutely divine. 
My latest fashion nova haul that took 10 days to get to me from the US. OKAY Global village

Still Enjoying
Being a dog mom. And people say people can't change. Ha!

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