Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Its a cold and its a broken hallelujah

 So thankful to see the December 2020. 

I feel like this year has drawn so many hallelujah's from my soul.

Many of which were cold and broken.

But broken crayons still color so Hallelujah for the end of 2020. 


So so thankful.

So so many good things happened to and for me this year most important of all is all the resting I got to do, and let me tell you if there is anything 2020 has taught me it's that, there is no need to do EVERYTHING. 

As someone who did everything, I didn't even realise how little grace I was giving myself to lean into the full rest that was present till 2020 gave me the plate to do nothing and let me tell you.

Less is MORE.

Anyway if you can not tell, I am so happy to see the end of this year and get into some gratitude sprinkling to usher in a fantastic 2021.

I know lots of people are nervous about declaring good things about 2021. 

But NOT I, said the cat. I am going to to speak many good things regarding my 2021 with a voice as big as the sea.

2021 is going to bring myself and my family

 glad tidings,

 great joy, 

success stories, 

shouts of joy, 

two turtle doves 

and a partridge in a pear tree.

So speak good things into your life, you deserve them.

Wishing everyone an uber dramatic (but in a totally good way) December.

Also, not writing here much because gathering content for the new house per my last post. super excited about that as well. Cant wait! eek!

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