Thursday, July 30, 2020

One House

After writing on a million and one personal sites on the internet for over 10 years, I have decided to get everything in one place one one page.

ie. the personal finance column I write for peermentors, My travel blog, my tiny letters and also this personal blog. None of which I'd be deleting just moving to one place and consolidating them there.

One of my biggest concerns is how private I want to be but how public I worry that I'd be forced to become. but we'll see. this is definitely something I'm mad excited about because on some level I'd been stressed about not having my whole writing in one place but now I'm really looking forward to having a website where ALLLL of these will be sitting pretty.
Not sure the direction in which it will evolve but I'm excited about starting it.

Honestly Can't wait. I'm still finalizing the format and content calendar and contributors but definitely looking at a mid august roll out.

In other more important news, I hit a 100 day streak on my bible app. thank you Corona. being able to stop and chill gave me room to attempt to cultivate a relationship with God, and really just read the bible which is why when I set the 100 day target I was like hmnnn. Just take it one day at a time. and like joke like joke, I have hit and surpassed it and I do not know how to act. LOL.

I have applied to two jobs, for two very different roles, One I'm at the second stage of interviews and the other one took roughly 6 weeks to come back to me and tell me no. It was when they said no that I realized that maybe I wanted that one more. But no use crying over split milk now is there?

I only started realized that maybe I need to start taking the job search seriously when my home girl asked me to loan her some money and I had to say no because I actually didn't have spare cash. One of the things I pride myself on in life is having spare cash to loan my friends and family when they ask. And because I have a super strict budget- hello emergency funds- saying no to her during payroll week made me sad, even though I know I had no reason to be sad.

So I started filling out OTHER job applications that honestly I'm like meh. Infact one role that is $60k a year, I did the assessment and was just so tired that I didn't bother to complete the process because abeg. Then the Hiring manager called me from Yankee to ask if I was going to complete it because I scored super high. I said yeah sure and planned to ghost. But I'll do it now sha.

This other job that I wanted in the beginning of the year, and got called for an interview but I blew off because I was going on vacation and then got rescheduled and I never heard back from them because corona, have put up the job availability. I know all I need to do is fill out the application and It'll be a breeze because I already have the networks and etc etc but I'm SOOOO lethargic about doing it.

I've spent the last few months really knowing myself and getting super specific about certain things such as, the kind of work that will suit my personality; the kind of work relationship I want with my direct boss ( the kind 007 and M had); the amount of money I'd love to earn; the kind of tasks I want to do daily and just how much public speaking I'd like to do outside of work. And honestly the two jobs in the last two paragraphs- no too fit in. The very first two I applied for are more suited to me and my person tbh.

In other news, I  singlehandedly organized a fund raiser and provided mattresses and food items for a less privileged home last month. Honestly I've struggled with speaking about it because 1- I feel some type of way and 2- I don't know that I should be sharing it. I am super proud of myself. Was telling T and he said not everyone who feels bad about something can singlehandedly change it in response to me telling him that my heart was SO heavy after seeing the video. When I told him that he was like- lots of people would have felt bad and kept it moving, but you paused and did something about that feeling.
And that's such a great thing. And honestly just having to ask people for money non stop scared me shitless which was why I went above and beyond in the reconciliation bit. Haha.

And everyone was soooooooo gracious. it was a great feeling. And the cherry on the cake was that the next time I went to the home, they had tarred the road, so it was great all around.

Someone also asked me to come and sit on the board of an NGO he owns. I was like - LOL PASS. 

In more positive news, I got my nails did today. And I do not know how to act. I'm so excited because honestly the evil corona has done is enoughhhh.

However it gave me a book club; a 100 day bible streak; time to settle down and organize and donate to the less privileged and allowed me see what my ideal life could really be like if I took out Lagos hustle and bustle. And I feel very blessed and I do not take it for granted.

Honestly I recognize the place of privilege that I sit in currently to be unfrazzled about being unemployed. Infact, my friend came by for me to assist her on some personal finance ish and after an hour mentioned that I hadn't mentioned that I am looking for a job. And I was thinking to myself well that is not why we are here, and shamefully - I don't think you'd be able to employ me anyway so, why should I mention it to you? Plus I already had the two options I really wanted already lined up.

Anyway I am thankful that I do not have to deal with the anxiety that comes with searching for a job because "Corona is outside" and also because I'm just super chilled. Life is good.

I have some even more interesting personal news I am bursting to share but hopefully come august when all the ducks have fully lined uppp then I"ll announce it.

I really love my nails and I even love the nail girl more. I miss attending lagos weddings, going on uncountable dates and being on the receiving end of attention from lagos boys. 
Which is strange because I haven't opened bumble ONE time during this lock down and I stopped replying messages from boys. Stranger things have happened sha.

Blogspot changed their layout again. OH LORD.

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