Friday, July 12, 2019

Currently July

 non stop to this song.

God of your promise,
 you don't speak in vain,
 no syllable empty or void.


Its a really good book for dealing with difficulties.
I'm currently reading it as I.
very grudgingly read my books for my exams;
 very willingly re-read old love letter emails I sent to the boy I really liked; and
while trying to do away with the spirit of obligation, read my bible. A lot


My tiny letters. once a month because- honestly I have no reason why I'm not churning them out as fast as I used to. smh


(aggresively- if I might add) getting into something exclusive with hercules, he keeps trying to get us exclusive, which tbh is not a problem, it's just like - a problem.

Long story. Cut Short.
He is an absolute great guy, and sweet and kind, BUT when I imagined myself dating anyone else, it wasn't him. and the bible tells me that my expectations shall not be cut short. So you know.

Also kinda helps that I'm trying out celibacy


out this celibacy thing again. and I'm serious about it, went to Abuja and did not get laid. and honestly dying to flesh everyday is interesting. This time I'm doing it as as a feeler to learning restraint, sexual discipline, and I'm really just looking to see the effect it will have on my spiritual life.


my closet. I actually like what I wear these days. It is interesting watching the mix.
I put myself on a clothing budget of N100k a year, and it's july and I'm at 51, and I kinda like the 4-8 pcs of clothes I have bought this year.


More money than I'd like on my hair. This natural hair movement is an investment- WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME.

and finally.

The hell out of this hot girl summer, that has me reconciling with estranged friends; checking up on my existing friends, and building up the courage to kinda like ask the boy I have a crush on out to drinks?

okay one more thing:

that my niece is FINALLY COMING HOME.

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