Friday, April 29, 2011

shit i cant stand.

pardon my french. or not. i really dont care.

tonight my friend told me her boyfriend of over only God knows how many years

told her he has another girlfriend.


men just do the most sha.

when he didnt have a job. she stood by him.

he had nothing. she said she was going to die there.

he has a job now. bastard has a new girl.

im so tired of men pulling bullshit stunts like this. so freaking irritating.

#np Same script different cast.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The evils women endure.

im an absolute private person. dont let my " i miss my lover tweets deceive you"

i wrote a piece about myself today. but i'd blog that later.

when i was 16 i was in QC and we had a breast awareness forum. i discovered a lump in my right breast.

i took it out. and the scars are there. to remind me of his grace.

everytime someone remotely knows aomeone with breast cancer im scared because it could have been me. at 16. or something.

all im saying is that there is so much to be thankful for.

and we should please try to help other people in need. no matter how little.

it could be a smile to a stranger. a phone call to an old friend, a word of encouragement.

or maybe a red leather briefcase. that costs 500 euro to me.

i wont turn it down. im not rude.

well my mother raised me better than that.

that being said. im obviously not the only one who finds music made in the last 5-6 years unlistenable? no?

and i wish yahoo would stop doing the most about this royal wedding madness.

Monday, April 25, 2011

good bye firenze

i love my family.

my mother says we cant cook. my sister says im such a good cook and my brother eats anything i cook.


my holiday ends today. well in italy. i am sad. money has finished. :( and my mother is making me go around to buy bags.
im sad.

btw i sold my bb AND the nigga i sold it too is trying to keep all my contacts. please delete me if you had me on bb.

caio caio bella.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


which happens to rhyme with fellatio is the italian word for ice-cream.

i know i know.
lick lick. slurp slurp.

today my momma and i went for the festival of fireworks or whatever its called.

so freaking beautiful. luckily for us our hotel is on the street of the Duomo, amazing amazing building.

went shopping yesterday. in the words of kanye.

i shop so much i can speak italian.
no seriously tho. im broke *pouts* too many beautiful bags and purses.

and yall know bags are my weakness.

sadly my Momma did NOT buy any for me *wailsss*

apparently i havent reached the point of carrying pure italian leather bags.

we THEN. walked into one shop and she made me pick out a briefcase for her. when i saw this beautiful beautiful beautiful 500 euro blood red briefcase.

*sniff* i dunno what im going to doooo.
im going to have 2 marry a politican. because i doubt any man that earns his money properly would be generous like that.

so after dancing around the briefcase. my mother took pity on me and paid.

*wakes up from slumber*

fear didnt even allow me show her sef. before she will land me back hand slap. for being greedy. and knowing my momma. this is not impossible. anyways i took some pictures to masturbate with. after watching my momma pay for hers. *side eye*

anywaysss fun holiday so far. beautiful beautiful city.

esihh went clubbing on friday with my sister.
all her friends had oyibo lovers. abi toasters.

one of them's russian lover. cant speak english to save the queen.

so thats how we were sitting down ordering drinks o. i now tried to form conversation with oyibo. as i cant now be a slacker nko.

thats when he said in the sexieeeeeessssssssst russian accent everrrrr. "no speak english" *pulling pants up*

so i asked my sister. erm sorry o but how do these people(referring to her friend and her russian boo) communicate.

then he looked at me like i was oh so retarded. and replied in the most condescending manner " google translator off course" almost sounded like. are you dumb.


anywaaaaays. i got of the bb wagon. finally. more productivity at work. can i get an AMENNNNN!

for now sha.

ok gatta go shopping.

Friday, April 22, 2011

everything sounds sexy in french

but even sexier in italian.

and i know this simply because yours truly is in firenze.

yayyyyyy *wiggles toes*

i love my momma. i finally managed to snag 3 days from work sigh not like im eligible or anythng but yes God has been merciful.

i wish i culd blog so often but work is a bitch.
i miss the Lover and as always i wish he were here. or it that supposed to be was?

messing around.


New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...