Monday, July 7, 2008


Last night i had a conversation with my friend about how his life was changing and everything was falling apart and how he went from Stud to Dud in no time at all and i realised that i've been there before actually for a long time.
You know that phase of your life where before was better than now and you just hope you find something that holds you to that your better past and try to hold on and then you realise that your grasping at straws, yes thats the part am talking about.
I have learnt and i wish the whole world would learn that:
the only people who truly care for you...most of the time are your family.
things dont always go the way we want them to.
the strangest things happen when your kind to people you wouldnt normally be kind to.
if you must travel far you must travel light in essence forgive!
20 friends cannot play for 20 years.
bullshit may get you to the top but it would never kep you there.
if you can concevie it you can achieve it.
friends would always let you down.
not everybody is worth your time, its your most precious asset so guard it, jelously.
what dosent belong to you, just dosent period.
beauty is but skin deep.
there is enough room at the top for everyone, contrary to popular belief.
no matter how insignificant everybody should be heard out
and last but not the least, the way you see your self is the way people would see you!
ps.. this is dedicated to Shelle Ololade, i love you to bits.

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