Monday, January 23, 2023

Election Szn and why I'm voting Peter Obi

 It doesn't feel very election-y for one there is limited campaign activity. usually the 2/3 months leading to elections in Nigeria sees the air charged with some fervor, either from the candidates themselves or their youth supporters. Hosting debates or penning feverish articles in support of their candidates.

Instead there is an unsettling but very fragile calm. Only one candidate seems to be campaigning aggressively and thinking about the demographic to which I belong- aka young people, and that is Mr Peter Gregory Obi.

In case you don't know anything about me, you should know that I am passionate about education, I think it is the best way to change the course of a family's life. So when I heard that PO who had worked magic in the Anambra educational system had thrown in his hat to be president, I said "TELL ME MORE"

But he also happens to be the healthiest and most coherent candidate contesting for president.

The Yoruba one is sick, and anyone that tells you otherwise, wants to rule from the shadows a la Yaradua.

The Northern one has 31. THIRTY ONE CHILDREN. I don't even think Nigeria has 31 parastatals for him to share amongst all his children like is customary among Nigerian's in leadership.

Finally, it is time to Zone the presidency to the south east. And I let me tell you how serious Zoning is to Nigerian politicians, it is so serious that they encoded it into PDP's constitution. Section 7(2)(c) of the party’s constitution says: “… In pursuance of the principle of equity, justice and fairness, the party shall adhere to the policy of rotation and zoning of party and public elective offices.” 

Its a shame the party members do not even honor what they have put in the constitution.

Finally, I'm genuinely tired of business as usual in Nigeria, Let me list all the current issues that we are currently experiencing:

Fuel scarcity

Police brutality

Kids out of school



ASUU strikes

Violence against women and girls



Mass migration



and to  think that a candidate is saying that, I want to build on existing infrastructure of the current government.

Finally, to all the people who say Anambra is no Lagos and that PO may be unable to replicate the success he achieved there in Nigeria, all I have to say to you is that neither is Lagos.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Happy New year

 AH 2022 is gone.

and it was one of those years that had SO much inside it. thinking about it now has me like ???

Anyway in 2022 was a really good year, if I'm being honest there were some things I slept on but I've woken up to them in 2023.

To plan 2023 I decided to do the thinker, prover method to set my year goals and I have arrived at 3 things and a 4th one in maybe maybe not.

I am very excited about 2023 sha I can't lie.

If I had to do a review of 2022, I think I travelled so much, Hercules actually said " you are strong sha".

I went to Togo & Cotonou in February, then Dubai in May, Then Abuja in October, and Then India & Thailand in November and Rwanda & Abraka in December. 

The less I speak of my visa woes- the better.

Being the planner is not easy but I need to get somethings done and can't be sitting around waiting for other people to do them.

One of my 2023 goals is to say No to everything that isn't what I want. which is odd because It appears what I have long thought of as responsible is actually people pleasing and I'm divesting.

Weddings- So many. I had a day trip to Ibadan for H's friends wedding in May, then we had our 60 people black tie wedding celebration in February, My friend Jade's wedding where I was chief whip, Kris wedding in Lagos. Tuvie's wedding in Rwanda. 

The older I get its become more important to not miss the important bits of your friends lives if you can. Its's something I'm making concerted effort to do. 

Dog Mum- We re-homed one of our dogs, and I am still slightly resentful about that, but I think that was a very big lesson for me, in life, capacity and just willingness to prune. Also sunk cost fallacy is a thing. Anyhoo I miss that lil crack head every single day. and I think my second dog is lonely.

Reading- I have never set a reading goal, but last year I set out to building a reading community. I'm happy to announce we had a physical meeting! and I'm hoping in 2023 to take it to the next level by hosting an actual show once a month about the books I love but we'll see. I really think more people should read

Career- Honest to God my Career stalled in 2022. But I have decided to boost visbility on Linkedin and also just relocate because I feel like workwise, I'm over it in Lagos. Not over the money sha, because I had two pay raises and I'm not even mad. Ha.

Working out- Meh. I'm hoping to commit to twice a week for the 52 weeks in 2023. Honestly I think the best time to work out remains the mornings FOR ME. unfortunately I''m struggling to optimise that with my current lifestyle and commute.

Ive been writing this for over a week now and let me tell you that I keep seeing messages to have difficult conversations with people who have offended me and I'm like- Hmnnnnn.

I'd rather not.  

In 2022 I had ONE difficult conversation and I felt like it was such a waste of time but did I feel better afterwards, also no. Turns out forgiveness is not my strong all. 

I'll do better in '23. 

Anyway Happy New Year. Here is to us achieving all our goals this year! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

One time for the Birthday Girl


I had the most delicious birthday yesterday and let me tell you, You all had better stop working on your birthdays!!!!!

My day started off with me on the phone talking to my friend who just had a baby and catching up with our other friend and it was just a great chat.

After which I went back to bed, then headed to the spa for a couple's massage, then headed to an all you can eat and drink lunch THEN went to the cinema to watch Black Adam- LOVED IT.

Then went to a new spot opening in Vi, Terrible location but lovely owner, hopefully he can swing the crowd to show up.

Then headed to dinner and had the most delectible seafood pasta, super loaded, but still can't touch the house.

THEN wanted to go see woman king but was so tired so I went home instead.

Absolutely loved the day I had because, 

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...