Monday, November 15, 2021

What the Caterpillar calls death, the wise man calls a butterfly

 I feel like 2021 has been one of those years where nothing and then EVERYTHING happens at once.

As much as I am an intentional person, planning and priming and pesuading my life into a mold I like & prefer, this year, maybe covid fatigue, maybe general tiredness, maybe a stroke of luck, had me just taking my hands of the reins and boyyyyy was I pleasantly surprised.

First of all, I got married to Hercules, much to my mothers immense pleasure and to the ultimate obliteration of my financial plans for 2021. Honestly the minute we agreed to get married in September, I literally stopped tracking my expenses, because what you do not know can not kill you.

It was such a wonderful ceremony, and it showed me how much growth I had made as person, for one, everything that was going to stress me, I reminded myself that I was bound to experience, because who the hell plans a wedding in 6 weeks?

Someone  who clearly has a huge buffer for stress. And the process re-inforced a few things for me top of which, go with your mind always.

Every vendor that was referred to me, fucked me over abysmally. Surprisingly the process was relatively easy with Hercules, he met me half way, had little to no  unreasonable demands, and he was quick to remind me to delegate always. He also had the crazy idea of us doing the registry on the same day, which turned out to be the best part of the day for me.:)

The second thing for me this year that absolutely threw me for a loop was getting into a artist residency in Spain. I have not written as much this year because I was mostly processing my transition work wise/ settling into the new role, attempting to take the trainer wheels of the relationship that moprhed into this marriage, and generally accept that because of my competencies I will forever have to manage boundries, all of this meant, writing really became a luxury that I could not afford.

My tiny letters havent been updated in months, my travel blog same AND this one sparesly, most of my writing has been work emails and terse whatsapp messages to co-workers. Applying for the residency was really my way to ensuring that I was not tossing my dream of becoming a published "authoress" into the abyss of all the raggedy ness, and the reality of life and adulting hit me and I said well If I'm going to do it, I'm just going to have to find a way, a combination of me seeing the annoucement on time, plus a random exhange that led to my applications being properly edited and a ton of other things, I got in!

I was SCREAMING when I say the email, infact I accepted it so late like on the day of the deadline. I sent in my very pretty black and white photo, from my birthday photoshoot last weekend that I'll probably use for my book head shot and wrote the wittiest bio for myself and I still can't believe I'm going to a fucking artist residency where I'll have some time to write my book!!!

Okay I think the last and wildest thing in 2021 was me learning french. My office made it mandatory for a few of us to learn french and that means in the last 6 months twice a week I'd been resuming work at 7:30AM to have french class for an hour and a half. all is well that ends well because I booked the hotel for my holiday in french on a whim and I think I did a GREAT job. 

My vision board is on my phone wall paper, I am yet to complete any of the things on that but what has been achieved is so much more.

I am truly excited for 2022.

The word I'm taking into 2022 is ease. a lot of what I have, I have earned with sweat and tears so na wetin no hard me get na him i wan enjoy this 2022.

I also think we have been raised to conflate ease with lazy but as someone who planned a wedding in 6 weeks, I now know that things CAN be easy, and I'm ready for them to be easy for me.

Ps: if you know me in real life and wanna see wedding highlight video, email me. :)

Pss: I know it is a bit early to be doing year end reviews but - this is the time I have so here we go!

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