Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Testimony Time- BLESSING TIME

Somebody praise the Lord.

One of the reasons we picked this Canadian city when we were looking for a city to move to, was for husbands career. He had just begun gaining strides as a film maker in Lagos, when everything clicked and we had to move.

Anyway I'll spare you all the BTS, and just share that today, he got announced as a Delegate to attend the Film festival of our city.

When he told me he applied, I said- you will get in. and when he got in, I SCREAMED- JESUS IYEEEEEE, because I could not believe how ordered his steps have been since we moved here and decided to pursue this career fully.

God has been too faithful. 

And I am so so proud of the work that my husband continues to do to showcase how absolutely talented he is as a film maker.

I'll probably do a long IG post to talk more about it- but I am just so so happy.

I can not even believe it but I also believe it. LIKE IN A YEAR?

All of this is to say, there is no desire in your heart that God did not put there, and bear in mind, he wants to do exceedingly & abundantly more for you than you can imagine. 

If  you just moved countries, I want you to know that it will get better. it always does. Remember that God is the Ultimate and he rules in the affairs of men. And he will always make everything that happens to work out for YOUR good.

If you want to know more, send me a message and I'll send you the press release. :) 

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...