Saturday, January 13, 2024



Non-stop to Jelo by Young John & Pheelz

One thing about this song is that both of them were actual BTS guys ( producers) in the music industry and have now gone on to release bangers non stop. The lesson here is not to let anyone pigeon hole you into a box because of what you have done. There is still so much you *CAN* do.

Adupe fun eledumare
Adupe fun olorun oba
Na him give me the package
So make nobody come dey buga


Morgan Housel's new book called " Same as ever"

Life is lifing a lot right now so I am not going through this as quickly as I'd like, and honestly its not as interesting as the first book so its gonna be slow, but since I'm interested in knowing what is unchanging- I will finish it.


Super grateful for how well this move has turned out. I can not lie, when people said moving will be hard I did not totally envision how hard, but the truth is that for us -God's yoke has been easy. and 4 months in, everyone is like OMG you are so lucky because wow, and truly I am so grateful

Also Feeling
COLD. I low key chose my city based on how great the weather was supposed to be and this week something called Arctic blast came through the city and its been minus kini kan. Had to buy a space heater on amazon prime ASAP. And it was not on my list of things I planned to buy in 2024. Anyway...

Lots of great news, My amazon delivery, some difficult conversations with my editor about my book.
An easy path to settlement in Canada. Because being expectant is just the best way to be.

Honestly I am really excited about for 2024, I have more than a good feeling about this year, It just feels so much like the year where many things will come together. Like crystalize properly properly PROPERLY.

So my message for you this year is to GET EXCITED, Make big plans, then make steps on how to get them done, 2024 is a really auspicious year. Even the Chinese people have this to say about 2024 ( which is the year of the dragon)- To sum it up, 2024, the Year of the Dragon, encourages us to be ambitious, creative, and strong in facing challenges. By setting big goals, being imaginative, staying resilient, building good connections, and balancing our efforts, we can make this year successful- I mean.

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...