Monday, June 6, 2022

Weekend for the books

 The weekend that just passed was so lovely.

On friday I went by my friend's airbnb to pick up wedding access cards for his wedding the next day at oriental. 

On saturday morning, it was raining so I took the car to the mechanic to do some body work, the power came back just as I arrived home so I quickly vacuumed the flat instead of sweeping because I wanted to mop the house.

Because we have dogs, more frequent vacuuming and moping of the flat means that the floor stays sand free and it smells fresh. Although I think one of the dogs reacts to the bleach I use to do the final re-mop.

Anyway just as I had finished vacuuming Nepa took the light and I mopped and took a nap.

I called my tailor at least 50 times on saturday, she did not pick up. 

Power came back and we started watching strike in the living room. while the dogs napped.

I made Tomatoe based pasta with tuna and mushrooms and paired it with Red wine. Pj said " You have a way of turning everything into a special occasion" . I agreed. No point waiting for the best day to do things when you can just enjoy the things now, everyday you are alive is a special occassion.

The mechanic finally called us to get the car, so we went to get it, then came home & got ready for the wedding.

Went to the wedding then came home at past 12 and washed my face.


We had susages and stir fried veggies with buttered cous cous. I hardly ever cook so when I do, PJ is slightly aroused & very amused at how good it tastes. You'd think being a Nigerian babe I'd cook more for my husband. BUT LOL, The less I see of a kitchen- any kitchen the happier I am.

Anyway, we ate, watched some strike, Nepa took light so we just fooled around playing with the dogs in the flat and then I got dressed for my friends Bridal Brunch.

One of my friends is getting married in September and has asked that I be on the train, as a matter of personal principle, I don't do bridesmaids. But I am more than happy to be your chief whip to get your girls ready for the day. I'm more than happy to miss the church service and I am more than ecstatic to show up late but to fully support you in all the ways that matter so your wedding can be an instagram show down, If that is your hearts desire.

Anyway bridal brunch was great from there we went to see sunday lunch at my in laws place where our dogs ran away on more than one occassion and we forgot our take away.

After catching the dogs, and since the link road to VI from the mainland is closed, we decided to pass Yaba and then stop at my Father in laws house.

Great time catching up with Alhaji as I call him. Loads of teasing and he has just started gardening so we talk shop about flowers and plants and the magic of growing things with our hands.

We return home and send an uber for the food we forgot at Sunday Lunch. Before the food comes we settle in season 2 of Strike and we fall asleep on the couch.

When I finally wake up to pee at 2 in the morning, the dogs are sleeping on me and PJ has moved to the bedroom.

I think a lot about all the things that are good in Nigeria and how much of them I'd be able to take away when I eventually leave the country. And I am slightly concerned that I won't be able to take a lot away.

The long weekend is coming up and I had planned to visit a city in the neighbouring state but since the shoot out at the church in a close by state, I'm rethinking my plans.

Nigeria is really a strange country. 

Everyday my mind is made up even further to leave.


New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...