Monday, June 25, 2018


I am actually the queen of finesse, so when I got this job  last year I was like meh.
Long story short I loads of issues with the people I worked with.

Like one kept trying to get me fired.
He'd send stinker emails behind my back to HR in SA requesting them to move me talking about how I was dragging his team back.

Long story short.
I started talking to HR in SA separately. I spoke to people on a different team I followed up with people in the new group I wanted to work with and got a pulse of what they lacked. THEN I put a plan in motion and started underG.

I was terrified BUT there was no way I was not going to move.
Anyway long story short, today I got annouced for a new role that did not exist.

Like I created the role, convinced HR I take a risk and hire me AND then the guy who was trying to get me fired, had to announce the move today.



I did not even realize how much I was holding out for this.

I'm so thankfullll.

and so happy
and so elated.

Now to work so hard, I will be sent to Thailand by my office for the global retreat.

As I said finesse is my middle name.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Are you okay and other stories.

The last few months have been difficult for me.
Not in the I'm broke way but when you count the cost of an task to undertake but you some how skip out the emotional cost.

I am always there for my friends.
Among my MANY redeeming qualities; this is at the TOP of the list.

And I do not even say this to toot my horn, but if you are my friend, I will go to war with you.
It's how I've always been.
Fiercely loyal and dependable.

So being unable to be there for people in my life because of the task at hand was hard. And not even in an ego way but hard in a, I'm so sorry I can't be there for you more way. but I need to get these exams done.

Anyway anthony bourdain is dead. He was 61 and committed suicide.

I almost started crying when I saw it. I'm almost still crying.
It is awful

One of my newer male friends who is a freelance journalist wrote for his parts unknown.
Like its crazy.
I want to reach out to everyone I know and be like

ARE YOU OKAY? Tell me talk to me

I am so sad about his death
I was having a shit day and now this.

Now usually I'd have gone to Ikoyi club this evening to have a drink and talk about how awful this is, but my partner has moved.
Crazy, she writes about going through it  in real life and popping off on social media here
While all my lives are connected, I understand that people live separate lives and seek solace in them.

But a lot of my friendships are those " real life, chill at home real life living"

Eric who was bourdain's best friend who also was the one that introduced his wife Octavia to him was the one that found him dead in his hotel room in france.
He just finished shooting parts unknown in Hongkong.

To say I am shook is an understatement.
I hope my friends are okay.
I know it's trying times now but this too shall pass. And when it does It will be a glorious day.

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...