Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Kindess. Faith. Love. Excited

Last night, my mum came to see me because we hadn't caught up in a minute.
And she said I wasn't kind anymore.
I told her, I just started putting myself first and all of you are sad that I'm not running around for you people again.

She seemed surprised.
My family is very ungrateful. But I guess that is what kindness is, helping even when the response is ungratefulness.

Everyone but most especially Yorubae, tells me to have faith.
Incase you are wondering these are about my exams.
To give you a little context on how that went, It's been two weeks and I am still having nightmares. Literal wake up shaking nightmares.
I have never been this scared in my life.
But shey faith is the substance of things hoped for.
I am even afraid to hope.
Hoping which is free and costs nothing, and I am afraid
but we move still. steady proclaiming success and planning for the next level

I went to brunch yesterday with someone I met and I have known for like 2 -3 years. So it was pretty casual and laid back till he placed his hands on my knees and stared at me, making eye contact and said you are very beautiful.

I am taken aback. Not because I am not beautiful, I am very beautiful.
but because it was just such a heavy moment and I'm not very comfortable with heavy moments
I think I visibly flinched, or smiled and broke eye contact. I think he realized that he was doing too much and chilled.
I remain eternally grateful.

I stopped by at my friends house to try out a drink he is creating and he said
" I think you only pick men that you can already see have dead ends"
I said okay Dr Phil. You only know one person
He says " one too many".

Also my mother doesn't want me dating white men because she said " They can't fuck women".
I sniggered. and said okay.
The less she knows- the better.
But just to clarify, this is untrue.
Also she says to me , You are so intelligent, I do not think I know anyone as intelligent as you.
Me: stopp
her: I do not say this to flatter you, you are one of the most hardworking most intelligent people I know, I tell you things that happened when you were 3, 5 and you remember.
Me: *starts crying*

I am super excited to return to my social life.
All my friends have moved away which means I either need to make new friends or ride it out solo.
I miss my friends. I think it is unfair that everyone upped and left.
I mean I know it is for a better life, and it makes me so mad that you are Nigerian and there is no life to be lived in your country.
Its crazy.

New Year, Newer me?

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers. And I...