Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Testimony Time- BLESSING TIME

Somebody praise the Lord.

One of the reasons we picked this Canadian city when we were looking for a city to move to, was for husbands career. He had just begun gaining strides as a film maker in Lagos, when everything clicked and we had to move.

Anyway I'll spare you all the BTS, and just share that today, he got announced as a Delegate to attend the Film festival of our city.

When he told me he applied, I said- you will get in. and when he got in, I SCREAMED- JESUS IYEEEEEE, because I could not believe how ordered his steps have been since we moved here and decided to pursue this career fully.

God has been too faithful. 

And I am so so proud of the work that my husband continues to do to showcase how absolutely talented he is as a film maker.

I'll probably do a long IG post to talk more about it- but I am just so so happy.

I can not even believe it but I also believe it. LIKE IN A YEAR?

All of this is to say, there is no desire in your heart that God did not put there, and bear in mind, he wants to do exceedingly & abundantly more for you than you can imagine. 

If  you just moved countries, I want you to know that it will get better. it always does. Remember that God is the Ultimate and he rules in the affairs of men. And he will always make everything that happens to work out for YOUR good.

If you want to know more, send me a message and I'll send you the press release. :) 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Happy Canniversary to all who celebrate- AKA ME

 Today makes it a year that I packed my bags, gave out half of my clothes, rehomed my dog and moved to Canada to continue living my life.

Because I am Nigerian, I ordered a pack of small chops to all my nephews, & neices & siblings in Lagos. Because the business is Nigerian, even though I told them to deliver it at 9:30am- it only came at like 2pm and yeah.

Two things, I am so so thankful to God for this journey. everyone says the first year is the hardest and when I tell you that I have cried only TWO times in the last year. 

I can not believe how much God has done for me on this journey. There have been so many things that have happened on this journey that the more I think about it, the more I know that it could only have been God.

Truly the journey is in God's hands, and when people tell me I'm so lucky, I always tell them. It is God o.

Let today be the marker that I have come to return all glory to the name of God for his faithfulness and kindness and grace on the journey.

God has given me the gift of men on this journey, helpers have arisen, and help has shown up from all the unlikeliest places to prove that God is not a man that he should lie, that he has done and said everything that he said he will do.

Exceedingly, abundantly above all the things I could imagine for this journey- He has done.

And I can not thank him enough.

Please say a prayer for me today that God that has brought me will continue to keep me in his arms.

Canada has given me so so much in this one year and I remain so grateful because where others have said they were cast down, I was lifted up Highhhh!

Happy one year in Canada to me.


Monday, August 5, 2024

Took me a year

 But I think I have found my church.

And I am SOOOOO happy. I went to church sporadically in Lagos because you know, church. but when I moved here, I started looking for a church and I went to a few but did not really like them, so I stayed with my online churches, anyway my class mate invited me to his church and I was like- okay let me try this.

and boy was I moved. when they started singing worship songs and I burst into tears, I just knew, I said -  I'M HOMEEEEEEEEEEEE.

When I got home, Pj was like oh you really liked this church and I said yes it was really good.

Long weekend in Canada and honestly I'm thinking of doing a thanksgiving on the anniversary of our 1 year move here.

When I tell you that this journey has been ALL GOD. every step that has been taken it has felt like God has just been opening doors for me.

Last week I was praying for something and then I got a confirmation in my mind that it was settled and I was like God am I praying in vain and then I was reminded for a time the exact same thing happened and I was like- OHHHH.

a few years ago, maybe 8 I wanted to buy a ticket but didn't have the money even though I wanted to book the flight I was like hmnn lets see, anyway long story short I had been paid some money from a co-operative on the friday before I even knew about the flight and I'm sure I have a blog post about this- the details are fuzzy but I was reminded that God will always provide for me.

And when I tell you I felt so comforted.

Anyway another long weekend and I can finally say I have settled down barring some tax issues- and honestly it makes no sense that everyone has to file their taxes themselves, its annoying.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I think and therefore.. I might be losing my mind.

 Walk with me. 

I moved to north america seeking greener pastures and while it has been green, significantly greener than the green on the nigerian flag, HELLO I bought a whole 4kg salmon for $4. so its green. It has also been bleak AF for people of color. aka me.

Because I grew up in Nigeria, I never understood that whole white people are crazy racist thing till I moved here and I'm  like- BLOOD OF GOD. these mutherfuckers are actually racist AF. 

But who no go, no go know. so moving past it has really just been a function of building community but the realization has really radicalized me.

Which is why when Kamala announced she was running, I was like, wailing throwing up and falling to my knees in the parking lot of my real canadian superstore.  I'm not going to lie before I moved her my aunt who worked in the US but lives in canada and shuttles daily, used to complain about immigration moving mad during trump Szn. 

A cousin of mine got kicked out of the US even though she was there legally, Honestly immigration as a Nigerian was TERRIBLE during trump and Biden brought back drop box. All I'm going to say is- I'm learning there is little to no greater good in North America.

While I'm not disilusioned about the move, I'm more like what the fuck kind of life is this?

Moving here has radicalized me in a way that would never have been possible from lagos, such that I want to slap all the trump lovers in Yaba lagos because what the fuckare you people talking about?

Why is DEI in your mouth?

Anyway rant over. I'm obviously not losing my mind, but its annoying.

The thing that mostly annoys me is that I have fucking chinese & filipino people that can't string 2 sentences together talking about only God knows what. Honestly, my english is going through it in this country.

But its not all bad, I discovered a fantastic asian afrobeat DJ WHOOOOOOO is so good but obviously lacks cultural context because he was still playing Naira Marley in the club.

This being said, I actually love living here. I thought my life was great in Lagos- IT WAS, but my God its about to get greater, I can just feel it in my bones. Does this make any sense? I'm not someone who I thought her life will change much if she moved, but i literally play tennis mid week with my husband for an hour every week. Its such a fantastic BIG life.

Honestly God bless the me of one year ago that decided to finally move to Canada. While school is tough. It can never last forever so I know that one day- this too shall pass.

I miss my family so much, My siblings, my mum, my nephews & niece ( who graduated to big school??????) can you believe it? I miss seeing lagos babes all dressed UP. urgh the fashion in this city- abysmal.

I do love a good food haul though. And access to asian skincare on tap? no more waiting 100 years for delivery from  Korea? This God is too good I will praise him name forever.

But For real because two things can be true, I miss home so much, but I am forever grateful for this move. :)

Thursday, July 11, 2024



But first what can I do to make a quick $3,000 in a week. That will please God and my family members because when I tell you that I need this money STAT.

If you are feeling generous message me please.

Now that is out of the way, I just wanna say that life is life-ing rn but its all good. I work with people that have a very different approach to work. As in we have a deliverable and you are taking two days off work in the middle of the week?

Na wa o.

School is well- schooling. And if I tell you I'm not over it- I'm a liar. Using school to relocate has to be the most stressful thing ever. because hian. Like some days I wake up & I'm like what the actual fuck and then nepa never takes light so I'm like true true its not all bad at all.

Do I miss my life in Lagos. everyday.

Do I like the life im building here. every day

Do I hate that my city charges $40 for gel polish- Yes from the bottom of my heart. 

This thing will teach me how to do my nails by my self after almost 10 years of never doing my nails.

Anyway, I'm alive, I'm well, my family in Lagos is fine, my family in Canada is fine. So much to be thankful for.

BUT I want to go home for christmas, I know I know. BUT that is what I want so how will we do it now?

And I also want to go to carnival next year as well.

God be a provider.

ALSOOOOO- can you believe my lil substack has 100 subscribers? When I tell you I did not see that coming because ya girl is truly sporadic with those newsletters. I find substack a tad too agressive FOR ME.

But we'll keep it moving sha. 

Because what else is there to do? 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Life update

 There is nothing better than spending time with the people you love.

Thats it. Thats the post.

I've spent the last few weeks in Egypt, Lagos, Montreal, DC, Toronto & even hosting my mother in my city and let me tell you this is the most refreshed Ive felt. 

I felt ALIVE.

There is something to be said for the need of community when you find yourself and your friends screeching till 4am like bandits and having to drink hot lemon water before you go to bed in the morning because you have been talking for HOURS NON STOP.

Honestly alice said it best, there is no place like home.

Although I quite enjoyed Cairo.

Hope you are all well.

and making grand plans for H2. I am absolutely looking forward to my first canadian summer.

as the kids say, we outside!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

H is for what? H is for HOLIDAY

 In the most random stroke of luck ( which is very on brand for me because I am the luckiest girl in the world); Im going on holiday!

Which is fun because I remember my friends telling me that I should just farabale as I just got here and relax before I resume my ajala waka. 

Only for a few things to align and next thing I feel into a vacation.

I am soooo giddy with excitement I truly can't wait for my holidayyyyyyyyy.

Started my new job and I LOVE IT. I think my supervisor keeps trying to trip me up but then as a lagos babe, I'm two steps ahead of the curve.

One with God is truly a majority.

Who can guess where I'm off to? It houses one of the wonders of the world. 

This is how I feel whenever I think about the whole trip. I'm sooo giddyyyy

Testimony Time- BLESSING TIME

Somebody praise the Lord. One of the reasons we picked this Canadian city when we were looking for a city to move to, was for husbands caree...