is truly free indeed.
I'm gonna write. Bruh Life has been lifing.
And not in a bad way in a way that life can be when it just lifes, throwing spanners in your wheels and stuff. but I'm not complaining I'm actually grateful for this life.
I'm in the market looking for a full time role since I finish school in a few weeks * EEEEKKK, can you imagine school is almost over* whew thank you God. Because ONLY God in heaven could have done it for me.
That being said- networking is urgh. I went to an event mixer last night and I was the ONLY black person. I think what is most jaring about this move is being the only black person in a space. its weird. And I don't think the owners of said spaces really mind.
Anyway as I was networking rather demurely I was talking to an asisan drunk guy who was like are you looking for an entry level role? and I said no- I am looking for something a lil more advanced and he was like really and I was like yes I have over 15 years of experience in my finance field and he screamed- YOU SHOULD HAVE LED WITH THAT.
And I was like hmnn should I though? There is a whole thing with Canadians and their zeal for canadian experience which I thank God I now have after a year of working and it fascinating to see how their faces change when I tell them oh I have a job I'm just looking for something in this field, and they are so annoyed- or maybe they aren't annoyed and I'm reading them wrong - but it feels like they grudginly have to open the gate for me, and honestly I get it.
Moving abroad is honestly the biggest amount of social climbing I've ever had to do but boy am I a fast learner. LOL
That being said my husband turned 40 and my plans of throwing a party in lagos were thwarted by IRCC- basically our visa extension that we applied for SINCE AUGUST 2024 hasn't come out, and honestly now I finally understand when people are saying immigration is insane its stuff like this- the Limbo of not knowing what your fate will be, and even though I know It's not personal, It feels very very very personal. So we had a party at home. which was nice. small but you know it is what it is.
Like I missed my grand ma's 90th birthday in December and now I miss this party that we'd have had. It just feels like what is the whole point? At the networking event last night I met someone whose dad owned a farm but he was studying business at another University so I asked him why he wasn't lookiing for an internship and he said - oh he and the family are going to Italy for summer, and I told him that was the absolute correct choice. He seemed surprised. I told him your family won't be here forever make time to spend time with them.
For some reason everyone was like OMG your husband is 40? and I'm like Yes and they always chuckle and say why did I think you were older- and I tell them its because you have conflated kindness in men with being young and struggle to see someone willing to help their wife so you ultimately assume that he must be younger that his wicked old wife. Actually I don't say that because I'm aware of social cues instead I say he is a health nut who works out everyday and eats very clean. Two things can be true.
I just got off a meeting with my MD and he was literally raking so much about the changes that the business is forced to reckon with because of trump and the AI voice assistant on teams was like "it seems you are in a high stakes situation"
Me: Good for all of you.
Honestly on one hand I'm happy that they are all seeing that crazy isn't always better- could have told them that from day 0, I mean I left tinubu. But the second thing which is even more insane is that when he starts screaming I'm just like - my dear I was raised in Nigerian work force, all our bosses used to do was shout. Trust me- IDGAF.
All of that off my chest I'm really happy about lent, I'm also looking forward to finishing my program on time and having my evenings free, I keep imagining what I'd do with the free time I have.
Maybe finally write my book.
Hope you are all well, and Q1 is going splendidly- fun fact I have two published authors in the book club I run.
Not to brag but its giving winners circle. :)
First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Since the tiktok ban and the demise of twitter it feels like bloggers are back, well- some bloggers.
And I'm here for it. Anyway I started off my year with whole 30 and the most painless period ever. Honest to God whole 30 is the truth just that rice and beans is my cultural diet but my God that diet works wonders. Like my skin is clear, my ab lines are back I'm drinking 3 liters of water a day. Its a damn miracle.
That being said I really need to incorporate it into my lifestyle instead of doing 2 30 day stints.
Anyway my new year goals this year are simple- focus on my focus and tap into abundance.
everything else is jara. I also want to build a real life community but I understand that you need forgiveness to build community and God knows forgivness issa struggle for me.
That being said- why did I find out today that someone I know was in a cult. Like she joined a fellowship and turns out it was a cult. Honestly when she told me I was like- bruh you are NIGERIAN. how did they run you street like this?
But that's another thing that Nigerians/ immigrants need to be wary of- when you are vulnerable for community you give room for all sorts to inflitrate your life. Anyway I'm happy she is out and I invited her to my own church but I'm sure she must be so annoyed. LOL
My friends got married and I'm so sad I missed the wedding but when I tell you that her looks were chef kiss? I was so happy with the hairstyle she went with because I personally think frontals are razz, especially when brides use them. Like lagos is so hot we can see the lace lifting please.
But knowing lagos brides they wont stop sha, so let me mind my canadian business.
And speaking of my canadian business- I entered into a black history month competition for a poem and won.
I told myself I was going to get paid for writing this year so to start the year off with a prize has me thinking can I start calling myself award winning writer. Anyway, I have a reading for the poem and I have to go and discuss what my thoughts are about black history month which is interesting because before I moved here february was the month of love. So to now layer BHM on it, issa lot, and also I have little to no thoughts on it because where I'm from every month us black history month.
Be that as it may, when in rome and that I will put something together get dressed wear a wig and go and speak on black history month.
Do you hate when you see something on social media that challenges your prejudice and makes you see yourself as a hypocrite? Honestly now I just laugh but before it used to annoy me. Case in point the tweet about people hating tattoo's but microblading their eyebrows. The worst part of that tweet is that it includes fine aunty in it. LOL hilarious. also because while I don't judge tattoo's i'm a piercing girlie, I can not believe that I have tattooed eyebrows. LOL and guess what I've done them 3 times. they just won't stay.
After this attempt I will give up on microblading permanently and just learn how to wear make up. or just figure out my foundation shade at least.
I hope you all are well and I wish you a prosperous 2025.
I have so so so many great plans for the year and I feel so grateful because I know they will all come true.
Also school finishes in 2 months!!!! two months can you guys believe it? Thank you Jesus
I got a scholarship.
which is fantastic because I was going to have to use my credit card to pay my next & last term's fees.
I am so so thankful.
Anyway thats so major but even more than that- I found a speaker on facebook thats blue tooth and 30 pin ipod- if you know me you know my ipod and my obsession with the music on it. anyway I've been on a music spree and my lord how delightful it has been!
I am so happy.:)
And do you guys think its time for lemar to release new music?
Also can you believe that Warren buffet gave away $1bn- makes me really wonder about amassing wealth.
I loved the shareholder letter so much that I'm going to share my thoughts on it linkedin. Yes o> I have become a linkedin warrior and honestly I'm gonna go hard at it till I get a job I like.
Hope you guys are well please join me in prayers I want to go home for christmas but IRCC hasn't given me my visa extension. So if I leave the country I wont be able to come back.
Wahala but God has been on such a run that Ive left it in his hands.
I know how insane it sounds but OMO God get me for mind this year.
Tell me why I have found a place that is so much cheaper than my current place but way bigger AND- saves me so much that I'm basically getting one month rent free.
You guys hold God this Q4 o. He is a miracle worker FR. As I sit here and run the 2024 numbers on how much we have spent all I can say is that God is the greatest.
Jesus knew what he was saying when he said that if he dressess the lillies how much more you?
God knows your needs and will take care of them for you.
Trust him
And have a great Q4.
Somebody praise the Lord.
One of the reasons we picked this Canadian city when we were looking for a city to move to, was for husbands career. He had just begun gaining strides as a film maker in Lagos, when everything clicked and we had to move.
Anyway I'll spare you all the BTS, and just share that today, he got announced as a Delegate to attend the Film festival of our city.
When he told me he applied, I said- you will get in. and when he got in, I SCREAMED- JESUS IYEEEEEE, because I could not believe how ordered his steps have been since we moved here and decided to pursue this career fully.
God has been too faithful.
And I am so so proud of the work that my husband continues to do to showcase how absolutely talented he is as a film maker.
I'll probably do a long IG post to talk more about it- but I am just so so happy.
I can not even believe it but I also believe it. LIKE IN A YEAR?
All of this is to say, there is no desire in your heart that God did not put there, and bear in mind, he wants to do exceedingly & abundantly more for you than you can imagine.
If you just moved countries, I want you to know that it will get better. it always does. Remember that God is the Ultimate and he rules in the affairs of men. And he will always make everything that happens to work out for YOUR good.
If you want to know more, send me a message and I'll send you the press release. :)
Today makes it a year that I packed my bags, gave out half of my clothes, rehomed my dog and moved to Canada to continue living my life.
Because I am Nigerian, I ordered a pack of small chops to all my nephews, & neices & siblings in Lagos. Because the business is Nigerian, even though I told them to deliver it at 9:30am- it only came at like 2pm and yeah.
Two things, I am so so thankful to God for this journey. everyone says the first year is the hardest and when I tell you that I have cried only TWO times in the last year.
I can not believe how much God has done for me on this journey. There have been so many things that have happened on this journey that the more I think about it, the more I know that it could only have been God.
Truly the journey is in God's hands, and when people tell me I'm so lucky, I always tell them. It is God o.
Let today be the marker that I have come to return all glory to the name of God for his faithfulness and kindness and grace on the journey.
God has given me the gift of men on this journey, helpers have arisen, and help has shown up from all the unlikeliest places to prove that God is not a man that he should lie, that he has done and said everything that he said he will do.
Exceedingly, abundantly above all the things I could imagine for this journey- He has done.
And I can not thank him enough.
Please say a prayer for me today that God that has brought me will continue to keep me in his arms.
Canada has given me so so much in this one year and I remain so grateful because where others have said they were cast down, I was lifted up Highhhh!
Happy one year in Canada to me.
is truly free indeed. :)